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BY: luvyfics
RATE: 8/10
CONTAINING: mature scene (18+), Boyxboy

First of all I saw that the author is joining a competition for the book, so I want to say goodluck and if you readers are nice enough and help the author. please give some encouragement because I know everyone needs it once in a while.

So about the story it's a jikook fanfiction so if your going to say you don't like jikook and prefer other ships then don't bother reading it. it only has 11 chapters but I think the stories is moving fast. I'm no sex enthusiast at all (Even as a hard core stan) but I appreciate how the stories goes, but a little tip from me ( who had read a lot of books) if your writing a smut scene you can always try to space out the chapters a little more so readers could understand better, or if your going to put a smut and want readers to understand the tension and the raw emotion of the characters better, Don't worry I think it's still a good story to read and if you don't really know how to write a smut then it's also alright :). This is just a little opinion from me since I've read a lot of them. But overall I really do like the story it was very enjoyable to read the stories.

Again if you're not comfortable with reading all of this then DON'T BOTHER, alright ?

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