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BY: Masquerade16
RATE: 10/10
CONTAINING: VMinKook!au, boyxboyxboy, slight mature scene, mental health problem, mystery.

This is going to be another book from the author I've already write one of the authors book on 'the nerds' this is one is a bit different then her books before. This is the book that was recommended to me from a reader but I just got it around now, so for that I would like to apologise for being a little bit tardy on reviewing the book.

As you can see this is a VMinKook au, I don't usually read a maknae line au since I'm not really familiar with it but for a first few VMinKook book it was actually pretty good book for you starters (Or people who like to read a very good book). But before I read this book the book 'the nerds' was my first book of the author and I love their writing style so I knew this will be a good book, This book is talking about VminKook's life in the hospital but it wouldn't be a great book if it didn't have any plot twist am I right ? So expect a very cliche but very good ending. There aren't any hardcore smut but there are a little bit of kissing scene and since it's a boyxboyxboy I would like to advise you to read if you're comfortable with such things and if you love the book as much as I love the first book there's the sequel for the book and after reading the second book It's a totally different from the first book so I expect you to read my review and then the first book first, then if you're interested you could read the review of the second book.

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