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BY: taehyungie_lover




"Phenomenal, a beautiful tragic"


No, Jimin, life was never fair," she whispered with love, before taking her last breath._____The past. It always has been the past. When Park Jimin and Song Jinhee got together, it was because they needed each other to carry on with their new lives. But with the years that had gone, Jimin began thinking about how much his past affected Jinhee. He decided to break up, only to realize how badly he needed them back together - because if he didn't have her, if he didn't have Jinhee by his side, he would die.Even then, even as Jimin tried to mend their relationship back, something prevented them from reuniting their broken hearts: their buried and forgotten memories, tremendously broken and deadlier than ever.Their former lives had just begun haunting them back.


First of all, I want to thank the author for waiting, I would like to apologize for taking so long. I'll get onto the review.

To be honest, I really like the book and like really like it, it was beautifully written and I could really understand how the story unfolds, it was confusing for me at first on what had happened and the connection, but then it was slowly revealed, and a sudden realization and I realise how smart the author is in writing the book.

I like how simple the book is but yet so tragic but it was those kinds of comforting tragic, I really don't know how to explain how I feel about the book, I do like your writing style. If I do have to pick, I like how a story unfolds revealing secrets until the end and then the last epilogue is the first time the characters had met, it just brings another sense of emotion for me. Personally, I think the book is already good, but again this is a review from my point of view.

Please don't think this will discourage you but, I'm really harsh at reviewing so please don't take it too personally. Overall, the book is good, I like the aesthetic of the book, it brings out the beauty of the book, and overall I don't really see any grammatical mistake, but here's a little tip from me, it's not on all of the chapters, but the way I see it, the book has a jumping plotline from a different perspective and a different time. It was very clear for me since the author had put on the timeline on the very top.

But do keep in mind that not everyone's first language is not English, I like how you could put a bit space on each paragraphs. There are some paragraphs that are really long without any skips, like the end of the chapters, if I'm not mistaken chapter 'She and He' there's a part where it's so long and it could tire out the person's eye. But this is from my point of view since I do have friends who had a hard time reading books that didn't have those gaps of paragraphs. But don't worry it's only structure problem, story-wise it's perfect.

A/n: hello! This is the reviewer speaking, Sorry for the late update I had been so busy, hope this will be a good one thank you for waiting!

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