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BY: your_jagiya91
RATE: 10/10
CONTAINING: Mature scene, boyxgirl, boyxboy, criminal!au

First of all I wanted to say is, for you readers don't be surprised if some of the update will be by the same author because their book is really good.

Now for all of you underage ARMYS It's not that I'm not allowing you to read but as remembered this fanfiction contains very active mature scene, so it means that the mature scene/sex scene is not going to be only 1 chapter but a lot, and it's very detail so if you're not in the appropriate age or not comfortable while reading it then don't read it. This is a warning for you all.

Now if you still want to read it you can, you could skip the scene since it doesn't really effect the story just a little warning. But if you don't mind then you could proceed.

Now talking about the book, I really love it this is not the first book that I've read this is in fact the last one from the author and I think it has a beautiful plot line and all. What I really love is that every story is ended with a happy ending so up until now there aren't sad ending. But even with the happy ending I always have constant fear that the characters might have a bad ending. So sometimes I worry ifthe characters doesn't end up together so the story is nice and simple, if you're not into those twisting plot line you could the author variant collection of books, but up until now I've read some of there are mature scene. So please be considerate alright ?

The story take place as some of the BTS members being criminals, all of the book's I've read revolves around an OCxBTS members (so boyxgirl and the boyxboy) so if you're not comfortable in reading then don't read !

Overall it's fantastic book and I hope I'll be waiting for their next book, the next update might be from the authors book again.

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