184 8 27


BY: Eaturself
RATE: 10/10
CONTAINING: short chapters, Seokjinxgirl, tragic scene, poem like story

What can I say ? It's an absolute tragic, but I love how it turn out. A little lesson for all of those 'naive' people to never judge a book by it's cover and to not trust something beautiful could turn into your worst nightmare.

I personally don't like reading poems in my language or any language specifically, but I was intrigued by this short poem like story, it's simple and tragic, easy to understand and a beautiful written poem. The structure of the book also made the book so much better, it's fresh and out of the box and I guess you could say I might be a fan of the writers writing style.

I hope to look forward to the next poem like story if the author might someday write another one and I think that the author winning the award is something unquestionably since I guess is that good. So for all of you readers who love reading this kind of stories I would really recommend this short story to all of you.

Now aside from reviewing, I would like to clarify a few things to my readers. I love all of you for giving a chance to reading the book, I didn't think that with this book it could really help some people and I've never been so happy to see so much people requesting their books to me to review and for that I'm always honour by that.
I always wonder why you all would chose me to review, but nonetheless I'm always grate full...

But right now I've never really share my own private life in here and as you can see I've not really updated anything at all and for that I'm really sorry. So if you have a book you're requesting to me it might be delayed a bit and there are 2 main reasons
1. Your author here is busy with her national exams :') so forgive me if I did update a book others than yours because it might be easier to read in my spare time and it's short.
2. The book I'm reading is mainly a BTS fanfiction and sometimes short one (not that I hate a long one ) I need time to process a book and actually write a review for all of you to enjoy, so if you see me reviewing a book out of the bangtanboys please forgive me for being so late and all since I might not really understand since I'm not a stan and I'm trying to understand each of them.

Now for another clarification
I don't think you all know is that...

I might have a slight addiction

To Kim Seokjin

And I'm guilty for it...


This is not a clarification you need to be aware of (but if your author here see a seokjin fanfic the author might have bias a little bit, just a tiny bit :))

Another clarification is that
I see some people assuming my gender...
Do I sound like a guy huh ? Hahahah
Your author here is a soon to be 18th year old girl :')
I don't think I'll be able to write a funny review or a little bit girly since I think writing a review is formal

And I want to make new ARMY friend or any one tbh I've been an ARMY since 2016 and I've been in wattpad since 2015 and lonely as hell :')

So if anyone is interested in being my friend :') I would be honoured :)

But I guess here's a little update for all of you
Be sure to check out my book
Hello Jupiter ! It's a demigod!auxbts so imagine bts as demigods :))) (I'm imagining them wearing demigods clothes ;)))
And my new book a btsmafia!au
Wallflower, it doesn't have a chapter up but this week might come up the first chapter !

Lastly be sure to comment and like ! I appreciate every single of them ! 

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