BY: your_jagiya91
RATE: 10/10
CONTAINING: Mature scene, boyxgirl, boyxboy, mental health issue, issue with split disorder and other mental health issue.REVIEW:
Now I personally love reading about mental sickness, not that I'm that kind of a psycho. But I love learning about sickness conducting with mental problems as I hope to study medical in psychology.No this book doesn't contain big words that you might not understand, I actually like to recommend this book if you like reading about mental sickness, it's also a good book if you want to understand a bit. You know other than just amnesia you could Alzheimer and all. It doesn't go away from the story too so I guess a fair warning their will be sexy time with the oc and one of the boys. So I hope while reading you are a really a open minded person and if you're uncomfortable with reading it then don't alright?
I actually enjoy reading too because it's really funny at some point, no not because it's fun too see them suffer. Despite being in a hard circumstance with yourself their still joy in every chaos, you know make the best out of nothing and that sigh of relief when something so hard to achieve is achievable in the end. You'll get it if you're reading the story.
So a little a/n: if you have mental help problem it's alright okay ? It's okay too be different and all, we are all created the same and no one is perfect. If you need someone to talk to if your worries are too much or anything my dm's are always open. We as a community is to help others feel welcome.
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