Chapter one

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Warning this chapter has some very dark themes that may be disturbing to many, you have been warned but there is also some fluff which eases the dark scenes which are very graphic.
'This is so strange.' Wei Ying's mind supplied unhelpfully the next morning once he had finally managed to drag himself out of what he could only describe as a cloud that seemed intent to keep him trapped in its warmth and comfortable fluffiness not remembering the last time he had felt so comfortable not even a scream or thought to plage his mind making him want nothing more than to stay there afraid to wake once more and be inundated by the scream's of the undead the painful feeling of resentment that filled his vein's no matter how much he tried to shove it away.

Despite all this, he still struggled out of this comfortable cloud which seemed to take longer than he knew it should have until he finally felt his senses caught up with him making him realize several things in quick succession. One he seemed to be snuggled rather securely in someone's arms. Second, he seemed to have pushed himself so tightly against the body in front of him that he had even shoved one of his legs between the other's legs almost demanding the space his knee's locked and ankles hooked behind the other person's leg as if refusing to allow him to move. Third, he felt his cheek resting against what he knew was the satin inner robe feeling the steady rise and fall of a chest and heard the gentle heartbeats. Last he knew he had the satin cloth clenched between his fingers as if afraid if he let go the person would disappear.

At first due to not being fully awake he wasn't certain who he was laying against not fully remembering how he had gotten into this particular situation until suddenly a scent filled his nose that he would know anywhere then he remembered in a flash what had happened the night before. It was almost instinctive the night before when he had almost numbly followed Jiang Chang to the inn after he had finally finished torturing Wen Zhuliu until it satisfied his need for revenge. He shivered in horror remembering all he had done the night before almost feeling like it had been someone else who had slowly strip by strip flayed the other man's skin separating it from the muscle beneath watching as several times he passed out from the pain of it all until he forced him to wake up so he could feel each piece of skin peeled off him before he would toss it to the fierce corpses that had appeared at his feet.

Each piece he had flayed off of his body he saw all the people he had murdered in cold blood at the side of his master who was still unconscious from terror. After a while, Jiang Chang couldn't handle seeing it anymore and he closed his eyes so he could no longer see what he was doing but didn't stop him until he felt satisfied that he had finally avenged those who had been killed.

He stopped for a little while after that not allowing himself to think about what he had done not fully able to come to terms that it was actually him to who had done that disassociating himself from what had happened feeling almost like it was someone else. When Wen Zhuliu had passed out for the umpteenth time he took a break knowing what he would do next in payment for what he had done to Jiang Chang as well as Uncle Jiang and Madam Yu and while Jiang Chang still held him suspended by his wrists with Zidian trembling from head to toe he walked over to the prone figure of Wen Chao and decided at that point seeing as he had been tortured for weeks by the fierce corpses being forced to consume his own flesh and bones until only stumps were left of his finger's and nearly all of his hair had been yanked out and scabs covered him from head to toe.

With a sigh, he plunged the dagger into the man's chest keeping his eyes screwed shut even when Wen Chao woke with a start choking on his own blood before he twisted the dagger into the heart he had shoved it into his hand clutched in barely there finger's until Wen Chao took a final breath his hand falling lifeless at his side. He made certain he was dead by twisting the dagger one last time before with a sickening squelch he pulled it free and rose on shaking legs not daring to look down at the face of the man he had just killed. Then he whistled once and the several fierce corpses scrambled over to Wen Chao and with a fervor, they began devouring him with a vengeance until nothing was left.

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