Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

The three of them walked in relative silence once they left the inn that day each of them seeming to be in their own thoughts and even though Wei Ying maintained his hold on Lan Zhan's wrist as if afraid if he let go that he would disappear he seemed far away not even taking in the carts and people calling out loudly as they sold their wears as they made their way out of town...Jiang Chang seemed to become worried when they even passed by a man who was offering free samples of the alcohol he was selling Wei Ying did not even acknowledging him despite his exclamations boasting the flavor of the alcohol.

Once they got to the outskirts of the town Jiang Chang finally had enough of keeping his concern to himself and he snapped unable to help it, "What is going on with you Wei Wuxian?"

Wei Ying froze looking at him tilting his head in question not sure what he was talking about, 'Am I acting odd?' he seemed to be asking as he kept eye contact with Jiang Chang. Jiang Chang only crossed his arms bristling at the fact that Wei Ying seemed oblivious to the fact that he wasn't acting normal and Wei Ying fidgeted in discomfort rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, "I won't know if I am doing something wrong if you don't tell me what is going on A-Chang."

Jiang Chang went red in frustration before he huffed in annoyance with himself being unable to voice what he was feeling without anger, "If you don't know then I am not telling you." He huffed before stomping away.

Wei Ying exchanged a confused look with Lan Zhan who seemed as confused as he was before without prompting making Lan Zhan miss the contact he let him go and raced forward throwing an arm around Jiang Chang's shoulders as he stiffened despite it being something he was used to before he glared at Wei Ying who shot him a brilliant grin as he teased, "Really A-Chang I am alright...but if you are worried then tell me why."

Jiang Chang shrugged his arm off with a huff and growled, "As if."

Wei Ying's grin turned cockeyed which made Jiang Chang stiffen again knowing what that meant, "Oh A-Chang I love you too no need to get all ruffed by your worries."

Jiang Chang blinked seeming to lose his anger knowing it was not normal for Wei Ying to tell anyone that he loved them but soon enough he was scoffing under his breath which only seemed to amuse Wei Ying more, "As if I would worry about you."

Once again Wei Ying's grin changed to a cheeky one as he mentioned deciding to move in front of Jiang Chang walking backward with his arms behind his back, "I know you love me too don't bother denying it."

Jiang Chang once again glared at him before as he always did when Wei Ying teased him he swung out his fist but Wei Ying easily avoided the hit with a giggle as he bounded away sticking his tongue out which only had Jiang Chang chasing after him caught up in Wei Ying's intended purpose. Wei Ying squealed in delight and took off running away from Jiang Chang easily avoiding his brother with practiced ease. At one point during their impromptu game of chase, Wei Ying decided that Lan Zhan wasn't moving fast enough and he raced towards him Jiang Chang close on his heels only to hide behind him last minute avoiding Jiang Chang's grabby hands as he tried grabbing him despite Lan Zhan standing there stiffly a bit alarmed at being dragged into the game without his permission.

It, of course, became even more awkward when Wei Ying decided he wasn't far enough away from Jiang Chang and suddenly he was scaling up Lan Zhan seeming to move up onto his back as if he was a tree. Once he was high enough he wrapped his arms around his shoulder's and stuck his tongue out at Jiang Chang who had frozen in alarm even as Wei Ying complained resting his chin on Lan Zhan's shoulder, "Save me Lan Zhan Jiang Chang is bullying me."

Lan Zhan remained standing there stiffly for a moment not certain what to do even looking at Jiang Chang for help and without Wei Ying truly paying attention Jiang Chang mimicked him hooking his arms under Wei Ying's knee's to keep him steady before he scoffed, "As If you are the one who started it."

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