Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

There were only five of them that made their way into the center of nightless city that day each of them was consciously aware of the fact that the number was rather abysmal, to say the least as the tread carefully each of their steps precise and calculated senses on high alert, swords drawn and eyes peeled for any movement that would alert them to the fact that they were walking into a trap...It had taken three days of heavy arguments and many disagreements for them to come up with how they were to go about finally ending the war. One would think that having only five people walking alone onto what was going to be a battlefield was stupid but nothing was at it seemed.

It was quiet almost too quiet and that made each person's skin crawl as the made their way carefully to the center of the large courtyard which was surprisingly empty. They, however, did not let their guards down even as they stood waiting for whatever would happen next.

Wen Ruohan didn't disappoint even as he walked out of the building at the top of the steps standing above them as if he was some king that was overlooking his kingdom his steps lazy and stance unperturbed, "It is slightly insulting that you think that only five people would be enough to tear down the sun." he called out his voice not betraying none of his words as if he was not worried but more sounded as if he was scolding a few children who had thought to stay up past their bedtime.

Nie Mingjue was the one who chose to contradict his words holding his saber aloft his eyes flashing with fury, "And it would seem that you still have not learned your lesson Wen Ruohan..." Wen Ruohan blinked his head tilting slightly at his words as he questioned almost lazily, "And what is that praytell?"

"That when you are in the middle of a battle one should never underestimate their enemy." Nie Mingjue sneered.

Slowly Wen Ruohan looked at all of them as if he had all the time in the world only for his gaze to linger on Wei Ying who was lazily spinning his flute between his fingers, "You don't even wield a sword when coming to face me if I didn't know any better I would think you were insulting me."

A Lazy grin flitted across Wei Ying's lips as he looked at Wen Ruohan his gaze steady, "My not wielding a sword has nothing to do with you..." his grin broadened putting Wen Ruohan on edge as his eyes darkened despite the grin, "Now if you are fishing for an insult I can easily give you one...You are not worth the effort it would take for me to draw my sword against you."

"You...!" Wen Ruohan growled but the grin did not waiver on Wei Ying's lips as he said smoothly, "Me...Me...Me What have I said something wrong...believe me I have more where that came from."

Wen Ruohan only glared at him but by that time Wei Ying sighed, "Come on this is just boring...are we just going to stand around shooting the breeze or are you going to make your play?"

This time Wen Ruohan smirked and he clapped once the noise echoing around the courtyard and from each corner as if they were coming out of the woodwork many cultivators filed in swords drawn and Wei Ying rolled his eyes before he looked at Lan Zhan, "Bit of an overkill don't you think?"

Lan Zhan resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he said firmly, "Focus Wei Ying."

"Fine...Fine ruin my fun." Then his entire persona changed as the men charged and while he and Lan Zhan moved as one the others moved to engage the others that by that point were surrounding all of them. Wen Ruohan watched from his place at the top of the steps not fully surprised at the fact that those of them that were there were hard to defeat even when they were surrounded but what did surprise him was how close Lan Zhan was sticking to Wei Ying who hadn't attacked once...he moved with him almost like a dance, bending to avoid getting hit spinning at the same time Lan Zhan did each move precise and calm as if he wasn't worried in the slightest. What was even stranger to him was that throughout the entire time Lan Zhan fought Wei Ying spun his flute between his fingers. All the while Wei Ying never got hit once Lan Zhan kept everyone away with what seemed to be little effort his moves were flawless and yet precise to the point that not one of the others got a hit even on him even as he protected Wei Ying.

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