Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

With a resounding crash, the door burst apart before a gagging amount of resentful energy flowed through the now open doorway making each and every candle that had been lit go out instantly throwing the room into an eery sort of blackness that was unnatural.

Then he was there almost seeming to appear out of nowhere his presence immense and powerful as the resentful energy that had burst through the door coalesced around him again lifting his unbound hair and tossing it about while his red eyes seemed to glow eerily in the darkness.

Red eyes instantly flashed to the man who sat trembling on the bed seemingly not fully aware of what was going on...the moment he realized he went pale as if he was seeing a ghost then he was stuttering out seemingly on the verge of passing out, "You're supposed to be dead."

Wei Ying seemed to tilt his head at the thought, "Your right I should be twice over now but your lucky I'm not or you wouldn't be facing me..." his glowing red eyes narrowed before he added his voice oddly calm which sent a shiver down his spine, "Though I doubt you even want to face me, you put my son in danger."

"S...S...Son..." he stuttered his eyes wide in terror only for a scream to be cut short the moment he was somehow dragged out of his bed and was now held by the neck by a furious Wei Ying who's grip was surprisingly tight. He clawed at the hand struggling to breathe as Wei Ying growled making the resentful energy whip around them and slam into the other with painful accuracy, "Yes my son was asleep in my room when you sent your men to attack me in my sleep if he had been injured you would be wishing for death."

"Wei Ying." Came the gentle voice of Lan Zhan a moment later as he walked through the doorway managing to maneuver around the debris from the broken door and coming to stop by his side. Wei Ying looked at him sharply his grip tightening to the point where his nails were digging into the skin as he mentioned, "He is wishing to die for the danger he put A-Yuan in."

Lan Zhan reached forward and gently pushed Wei Ying's hair behind his ear before gently cupping his cheek glad to see that it calmed him enough for him to be able to close his eyes and his grip loosened slightly, "I know..."

Wei Ying opened his eyes and looked at Lan Zhan seeing the conflict clearly written in his golden eyes knowing without him having to say a word that he wanted nothing more than to allow him to kill him but his conscience wouldn't allow it. Slowly he loosened his grip but only completely let him go the moment A-Yuan who had almost forgotten was still cradled against his chest whimpered softly. 

Slowly he looked down at A-Yuan and he saw his terrified eyes looking up at him and his fury melted before he was releasing the resentful energy that was surrounding them to surround the man in front of them instead with a snap of his fingers.

He screamed but Wei Ying didn't release him and a series of whistles had him lifted into the air as he turned on his heel and left the room with him floating behind him as he made his way to the grand hall.

Apparently, word of what had happened that night had traveled fast because the moment he made the doors burst open with a blast of resentful energy almost all of the sect leaders who were present at the hunt and discussion conference were gathered in the main hall each in various states of undress none of them looking fully awake.

A horrified gasp ran through the group as Wei Ying whistled and the resentful energy tossed the man into the center of the group but before anything could be said about his state or his treatment Wei Ying looked first to his brother who looked alarmed then to Nie Mingjue who was staring at him with wide eyes, "He sent his men to murder me in my the process he put my son in danger you are lucky that Lan Zhan was able to stop me before I killed him."

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