Chapter fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

It was rather early the next morning when everyone seemed to be gathered in the great hall to discuss what had happened the night before...there were many conversations going on filling the room with quite a few raised voices and several other confused murmurs only a few knew fully what had happened but the other's had only heard disturbing rumor's. the only thing that partially confirmed the rumors was the presence of the rather subdued infant in Jiang Cheng's arms and the absence of Wei Ying and Lan Zhan who they heard had taken off in the middle of the night.

The entire room went eerily quiet the moment the door's opened and Wei Ying with Lan Zhan by his side walked in. they seemed to acknowledge no one at first until Wei Ying spotted his brother and he made a beeline towards him and after a moment he took A-Yuan into his arms who instantly began babbling incoherently at him seeming to be scolding him for some reason which only brought an indulgent grin to his lips.

Wei Ying seemed to completely ignore the others who were there as he seemed to talk to the infant in his arms in a hushed whisper until the child settled and buried his face in his chest seeming to be content to stay there at that point.

No one moved and no one seemed willing to break the silence until suddenly the door's opened again and Madam Jin walked in with Jin Zixuan beside her and Jin Guangyao trailing behind them seemingly lost in his own thoughts. He looked a little pale and he refused to meet anyone's eyes even as he stayed beside his brother as they moved to stand in front of the group.

When Madam Jin addressed them he seemed to grow even paler as his lips pressed together in a thin line, "I know everyone here is wondering why you have been called to gather so early in the morning. No doubt everyone has heard the rumors that have been circulating about the events that occurred last night and unfortunately they are all true..." a collective gasp ran through the crowd as many eyes traveled to Wei Ying who didn't even acknowledge their looks and continued to pay attention to the infant in his arms. They looked back at Madam Jin who continued, "Many disturbing occurrences were brought to light last night including my husband's vile acts not only towards the remnants of the Wen Sect but also towards a few small Clan's that he felt had wronged him in the past...The only reason we were even able to find this out was because not only was he found to be involved in an attack upon Young Master Wei which in turn put his infant son in danger but he also managed to convince Jin Zixun that it was better to remove his perceived threat in him because of the insults he thought he had gained by Young Master Wei accepting his challenges and succeeding..."

After a moment of silence, she turned her attention to Wei Ying who finally stopped paying attention to his son in favor of paying attention to her and everyone gasped when she Jin Zixuan and Jin Guangyao got on their knee's and proceeded to bow with their foreheads to the floor. Wei Ying quickly handed A-Yuan to Lan Zhan and scrambled to try and get them up which they refused to do then Madam Jin started begging for forgiveness, "I must ask that you show us mercy as you seek justice for what occurred last night...My husband was in the wrong and I realize if I had stopped him sooner this would have never happened. I did not realize how much he had lost his mind because of him not being brought to heel long ago and I hope that you will not use it against the Jin Sect for what he did."

Once she was finished speaking Wei Ying quickly got the three of them to their feet before he addressed the distressed Madam Jin with a gentle look, "I hold none of what happened against any of you for his sins are not a reflection of your characters for I know you had nothing to do with his actions."

Madam Jin seemed to finally relax at that point as did Jin Guangyao though he still looked very pale though he quickly bowed towards Wei Ying as he mentioned his voice slightly strained, "I must ask for forgiveness as well Young Master Wei I knew my father was not in a proper state of mind but I was blinded by my misplaced faith that he could not be that bad. Had I known what he was planning I would have tried to stop it but I managed to miss the signs."

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