Chapter eighteen

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(Warning this will make you question what is going on but this is only the first part of a series please read to the end for the name of the next story)
He heard the screams before he knew they were coming from his throat, his body arched so painfully that he swore if he bent anymore at that point he more than likely would have broken something. Something tore at his skin flaying it from his muscles making the screams feel like they were coming from his very soul...the sound of gnashing teeth, the dark whispers in his ears that told him to give up to give in, until finally a flash of what he could have filled his mind and this time the screams were different he felt the trindles of resentful energy retreat as if needing to get away from him unable to stand the light he was exuding.

'Wei Ying...' That was all it took and suddenly he screamed at the top of his lungs and suddenly that everything within range of him disappeared the voice that could chase away the pain hands that could soothe any pain, "Lan Zhan!" His body slowly lowered back to the ground seems to be lowered by gentle hands and he couldn't help but feel like it was the brief reprieve he had occasionally from the tearing hands that refused to let him sleep no matter how much he needed it.

He whimpered as he curled up on his side pulling his knee's up to his chest and curling up as best he could to protect himself from the pain he was certain was coming at any moment. He began counting down losing count of how many times he counted down from ten until out of sheer exhaustion he passed out.

When he woke next he flew to his feet and tried running only to cry out in pain when the resentful energy was back tearing at his flesh but this time it was worse, for now, they were breaking his bones torturing him with visions of his family...of Lan Zhan laying dead...of his Shijie laying dead...of Jiang Cheng laying dead all of them torn to pieces. It nearly broke him when he saw A-Yuan dead his broken body held in his arms as he screamed not realizing he was holding nothing in his arms his eyes were wild as he rocked back and forth the phantom baby that had been his undoing.

His heart was now broken beyond repair as he knelt on the wet ground crying out in pain as the resentful energy continued to tear him apart at some point he ended up curling around the phantom baby screaming until he lost his voice no longer able to breathe properly as each and every bone was broken one by one his skin felt like it was flayed off his muscles only for the resentful energy to repair the damages to do it again over and over like an endless record repeating itself over and over until he became numb to the torture...

Somehow he continued to live the resentful spirits seeming to get some sort of pleasure out of torturing him until at some point he seemed to no longer be able to scream. He sat there his eyes blank and it was at that point that they knew he was ready only for them to suddenly scatter when a loud Roar echoed through the entire burial grounds shaking the earth with how loud it was but Wei Ying sat there unmoving no longer moved by anything at that point, of course, it didn't occur to him that anything that could make resentful spirits scatter was not something good.

He didn't even feel a spark of fear when he looked up and the only thing he saw was glowing red eyes the only thing telling him that something was there when he felt a warm breath hit him nearly taking his breath away. That was all he saw before his world went black...the last thing he heard was a roar so loud that it shook him to the core but his body could no longer take the torture his body gave out taking the reprieve that was given to him by the arrival of the creature to allow his body to give into the sheer exhaustion that he felt clear to his bones.

                To be Continued....
(The next story will be called I will find you Wei Ying)

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