Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

'This is complete nonsense!' was all Wei Ying could think when Lan Zhan and he had made their way to their room that evening. The meal had been an utter fiasco that even Meng Yao could not stop even though he tried several times to fix the issues that came up...having so many cultivators in one area always tended towards the worst possible situations...add alcohol to the mix and it was a nightmare waiting to happen.

Several times despite Wei Ying having A-Yuan in his arms he had been on the verge of either a complete panic attack or about to kill someone...everyone swore it was the later especially when Jin Zixun had arrived eyes blazing and had managed to get not only Lan Xichen but Lan Zhan to drink a cup of their famous alcohol...Wei Ying had tried several times to take it for Lan Zhan having learned his lesson on giving him alcohol when he was fifteen but Jin Zixun wouldn't take no for an answer...thus he found himself managing somehow to balance a wobbly Lan Zhan and carry the now sleeping A-Yuan.

It was a bit alarming to see the reactions both Lan's had at the consumption of alcohol and luckily this time Lan Zhan did not automatically pass out after one cup...but he knew the moment they were alone all bets were off and he swore from that day forward Lan Zhan was going to be forbidden any sort of liquor. It took every ounce of strength he had not to go into a full-blown rage the fifth time Lan Zhan had been told to drink the cup offered to him for some reason or another and before he had the chance to take it as he had done before Lan Zhan had grabbed it and downed it in one gulp.

His eyes he knew were now glowing red as he gripped his own cup while also trying to keep A-Yuan from getting down which is how he hadn't managed to catch it in time...He flew to his feet and stalked over to Jin Zixun who was smirking in triumph only to flinch upon meeting Wei Ying's blazing eyes.

Everyone froze but all he did was glare at him before he maneuvered himself to where he could put Lan Zhan's arm around his shoulder and hoisted him to his feet letting him lean on him even as he seemed not to be...And of course, the only reason he knew Lan Zhan was having difficulties keeping his feet was the tightness of the grip on his shoulder that he had no doubt would be bruised later.

Jin Zixun tried barring their way and Wei Ying snapped, "First you give him alcohol which you know is strictly forbidden for his sect and then you bar us from leaving are you wishing to die?"

"You wouldn't dare." Jin Zixun challenged feeling like he was succeeding in something which infuriated Wei Ying more.

"You wanna bet..." he challenged back his face darkening, "If there is one thing everyone here can attest to is that when I want to do something no one can stop me...well actually the only person who can you just incapacitated so tell me were you being smart or were you making the worst mistake you could have made hmm?" his voice was calm but everyone there could hear the edge in his voice which told them he was on the verge of losing control.

It startled them however when Lan Zhan leaned towards him a little or at least he seemed to but Wei Ying felt him stumble as he whispered soothingly, "Wei Ying..." the reaction was instant Wei Ying's eyes went back to their normal silver and his body relaxed before he looked back at Jin Zixun and rolled his eyes, "Your not worth the effort it would take to put you out of your misery."

It was at that point Meng Yao came and managed to get Jin Zixun to move out of the way giving some excuse or another for which Wei Ying was grateful and he slipped out as quickly as he could.

Thus why he now found himself stumbling towards their room with a swiftly fading Lan Zhan who was leaning more and more on him the longer it took. He was surprised however when his sister seemed to come out of nowhere with Madam Jin beside her, she seemed to catch what was going on and she quickly took A-Yuan from him which gave him the chance to get a more secure hold on Lan Zhan though she still asked as she and Madam Jin followed him as he led the way, "What happened?"

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