Chapter Four

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It was quite a while before Wei Ying began to stir whether it was spurred on by the apparent disturbance outside the tent which was increasing in noise the longer it went on or just the fact that Wei Ying had finally gotten the rest he needed. Lan Zhan couldn't figure out what had actually woken Wei Ying and though logic would have told him that it hadn't been the noise that woke him seeing as several times there had been quite a bit of noise outside the tent at regular intervals he couldn't help but feel angry at the noise and the thought that it had woken him.

For a while, despite how loud it was becoming outside the tent Wei Ying stayed where he was seeming to be content to stay where he was not really thinking about the fact that it may actually be uncomfortable for Lan Zhan who hadn't moved in several hours. Lan Zhan at first thought he had gone back to sleep with how quiet Wei Ying was knowing it was not normal for him to be so quiet until with a pout Wei Ying mentioned, "I don't want to go face the world yet."

"Are you still tired?" Lan Zhan inquired certain that even though his leg had lost feeling in it quite a while ago to stay put as long as it kept Wei Ying calm.

"No." Wei Ying answered still pouting.

'Good.' Lan Zhan found himself thinking before he pointed out showing that he really didn't care if the others wished to see Wei Ying, "You do not have to...its not like it is imperative that you see anyone."

Wei Ying seemed to contemplate this for a moment before he rolled onto his back and looked up at Lan Zhan keeping his head in his lap, "Don't you need to see those you brought with you?"

"Hn...but they can wait, Wei Ying is more important." Lan Zhan answered his eyes gentle but his face blank of emotion.

Wei Ying's hand flew to his chest dramatically as he admonished playfully, "Oh Lan Zhan warn me before you say things like that especially with a straight face my heart can't take it."

Lan Zhan had the overwhelming urge to roll his eyes at his words knowing he was just being dramatic but he did state with conviction, "No."

Wei Ying sat bolt upright and Lan Zhan resisted the urge he had to wiggle his leg to get feeling back as Wei Ying maneuvered himself onto his knee's and faced him seeming to pout even more as he whined pitifully, "No...what do you mean no I thought you cared about me."

"Do care for Wei Ying will not warn you." Lan Zhan stated before he stood up now needing to resist the urge to rub his leg as pin's and needles burned their way up his leg starting at his foot the moment he stepped onto the floor.

Wei Ying seemed to be at war with himself as to whether to continue to pout at Lan Zhan denying him or to grin at him admitting he cared about him, in the end, the option to grin won out and he beamed at him his eyes lighting up in happiness which had Lan Zhan's heart skip a beat knowing that he would never get enough of seeing Wei Ying's smile.

They both looked at the entrance to the tent when the noise outside hit a deafening crescendo until finally one of Lan Zhan's men called out making the noise die down, "Hanguang-Jun I am sorry to disturb you but someone is here and refuses to even reveal himself until he sees you personally."

"Did this person even say who he was or was that left out as well?" Wei Ying called out before Lan Zhan could say anything his voice colored with frustration.

"Unfortunately not young Master Wei but he has assured us that he means no harm." The man answered seeming unconvinced that it was the actual truth but unwilling to voice his thoughts.

They both exchanged a look before Wei Ying shrugged noncommittally as he stated, "Then let him in we shall see if he means no harm..." when he heard the man starting to sputter out his objections Wei Ying stated, "If I didn't know any better I would think you didn't believe that Lan Zhan and I can defend ourselves and if that is the case then I would feel highly insulted."

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