Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

After that night Wei Ying found himself somewhat calmer during the day feeling like he was finally able to breathe without the painful pressure in his chest that he had grown accustomed to nor did he constantly feel the nearly crippling fear when he had to be away from Lan Zhan.

Of course, he still startled easily if someone touched him unexpectantly or came up behind him without warning and after a while, everyone seemed to learn not to walk up behind him without making some sort of noise or to say his name before they made any sort of physical contact. The only ones who seemed to be able to do it were Lan Zhan, Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng who he seemed to constantly be aware of where they were at all times.

After the repairs seemed to draw to an end seeming to be quicker than they expected Jiang Cheng seamlessly transitioned into his new role as Sect leader for which everyone was grateful. Once everything was rebuilt training took the place of during the times they had been doing and everyone seemed to settle into a comfortable routine. Rise in the morning eat breakfast then it was head to the training grounds where either Wei Ying or Jiang Cheng would work with the new disciples on the sword techniques they knew like the back of their hands.

Lunch seemed to come at the same time each day where they all gathered together in the banquet hall before they would once they were done eating they would all return to the training grounds to begin again and continue until dinner time. One thing became apparent as time went on, Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying ended up having two different ways of training the men. Whereas Wei Ying seemed to be more relaxed introducing a little bit of fun into the routine Jiang Cheng was almost brutal never letting them slack and he almost seemed to grow furious when they made any sort of mistake correcting them almost instantly whenever they ended up misstepping or their postures were incorrect.

At one point Lan Zhan took it upon himself to assist Jiang Yanli in not only making sure the servants and in turn, the Wen remnants were on task. They always had something to do because of how large the sect house was which gave them little time to think about how hard the work was nor the fact that they had once been apart of one of at least in their minds the most powerful sect in the cultivation world.

Other times he was assisting Wen Qing and Wen Ning in the medical wing which Jiang Cheng had specifically set aside for them making sure they had access to anything they required and making sure personally that if they lacked anything he sent someone to get it. Of course, because of Wei Ying insisting on helping to train the new disciples more often than not Lan Zhan had A-Yuan with him. The only time he didn't was in the early morning's when no one was awake and he was alone at the training grounds keeping his sect's sword techniques sharp. He somewhat Cheng ed the way he did things because of how different the set up of the training grounds were and the lack of cold springs. 

It became apparent after the first few weeks of everyone being there just how different the Jiang Sect did things. Even though there were servants constantly moving about the estate Jiang Yanli, Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying would do things that the servants were supposed to do. One day one of the younger Disciples asked Wei Ying why they would all do the servant's work finding him far easier to talk to then Jiang Cheng.

His answer surprised them all, a grin lit up his features even as he shrugged, "If there is anything I learned since I was brought to the Jiang Sect its that no one is allowed to be lazy, if you can do it then there is no reason for a servant to be called to do it for you. Hard work is satisfying and makes one feel fulfilled in a way that idle hands would not."

They began to understand the role the servants actually played within the sect house. They only did what no one else had the time to do between training and their other strength-building exercises, lessons which consisted of learning the history of the Jiang sect and the moto they all were required to live by.

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