Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

'This is boring!' Wei Ying felt his mind melt the longer he sat in the room with all the other cultivators for the discussion conference that he hadn't originally intended to be apart of...but as the head disciple he now had to play the part and it was the most annoying thing he had ever taken part in thus far.

All it mainly consisted of was arguing men who couldn't seem to come to any sort of agreement on the state of the cultivation world and many more arguments about who should be the new chief cultivator the one who would make all decisions based on what was for the good of them all.

Several times he found himself leaning against his palm as he thought of everything else he could be doing at that of them, of course, was spending time with A-Yuan who had to be with a nursemaid because Lan Zhan was required to be there with his brother...which in and of itself was the most annoying part of the whole ordeal...Lan Zhan hadn't split from the Lan Sect he knew this and he didn't want him to but the fact that he couldn't be next to him annoyed him beyond what he could handle at that point and all the arguments were slowly getting on his last nerve.

Thus it came as no surprise when he finally had enough of the petty arguments and he stood up with a shout of, "Hey!"

All the arguments stopped dead and even his brother looked at him a knowing smirk on his lips as he said with a roll of his eyes, "How about this instead of appointing one man over all of the cultivation world why not start a council of men who will speak for man or woman from each Sect who can make sure all voices are heard." 

Jiang Cheng  nodded in agreement at this and he looked around surprised at the lack of argument from fact Nie Mingjue said a mischievous smirk on his lips, "I must agree with young master Wei we have already endured the terror of one man presiding over all of us and that got us nothing but heartache...No one should hold that much power."

It came as no surprise that one argument came from none other than Jin Guangshan who was not happy about his plan's failing so early in the game, "And how exactly do you propose we select these council members we can't have everyone and their mothers applying for the position?"

It was, of course, Lan Xichen who offered the solution, "I think it should be up to the Sect leaders to appoint a representative for their sect or clan as it that they know will make sure their voices are heard."

"Shouldn't each selection be approved in some way?" Jin Guangshan inquired growing more and more frustrated when no one else seemed to be arguing against this decision.

"That isn't the point of the council, each representative will be chosen by their sect leader's and it cannot be a sect leader who is in the council that would defeat the purpose...The purpose is to make sure all the voices are heard and that what happens is for the best of all." To everyone's surprise, it was Nie Huaisang who pointed this part out and Wei Ying found himself smirking at his old friend even as he hid behind one of his fans.

No one not even Jin Guangshan could argue that point and when it was put to a vote all were in agreement then it was decided that they would reconvene the next day to announce who they wished to represent them.

Wei Ying found himself sinking into his seat as the discussion conference finally drew to a close only for his head to suddenly bang against the table in front of him when both Jiang Cheng  and Jiang Yanli stood up catching the attention of all present before he was dragged to his feet and Jiang Cheng  got everyone's attention more fully, "I have an announcement."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him in question before he waved at Wei Ying who wanted nothing more than to find Lan Zhan and hide behind him or at least to sink into the floor, "As everyone knows Wei Wuxian or at least something that has been talked about in passing has always been to my sister and I like a brother..." Jiang Cheng stopped purposely waiting until he knew he had everyone's undivided attention, "We have both decided that while Wei Wuxian will still keep his surname in remembrance of his late father, he will now officially be recognized as our brother with all the benefits of a full member of our family...While I am also appointing him as my second..."

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