08 - Right Place, Right Time

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Heather’s POV

I woke up when I felt the sun streaming through my windows onto my face, feeling the warmth of its ray, and groaned when I rolled over, my eyes landing on the calendar, marking today’s date.

Today is Friday.

Field Trip day.

Dooms Day.


I didn’t want to get up but I knew I had to. Going for the Field Trip will count as attendance and this year I’m aiming for the perfect attendance in class. It was the only thing I can accomplish this year because studies are out. I suck at studying. I can never pull of a good grade but at least I can pull off attendance.

With enough attendance, I can graduate from high school. I really did not want to repeat my senior year because that would really suck.

As I dragged my feet to the bathroom, my eyes all groggy from sleep, I just hope that Jared wouldn’t be joining us. I avoided him the whole yesterday after what happened that day during detention and he avoided me as well. That was probably the most peaceful day of my life.

I was lucky Alex kept by my side at all times too, just to make sure he did not come after me. I shook my head, brushing my teeth, as I recalled how protective he seemed of me yesterday, making sure he was always waiting for me after every class so I wouldn’t be caught being alone with Jared Ong again.

He’s a darling, but he’s also annoyingly a pain in the ass.

He needed a girlfriend, badly.

It didn’t take me long to settle on an outfit once I was done bathing. I wasn’t going to impress anyone so I just wore a grey T-shirt with a tree as the design with birds flying to the tree on the right side and birds taking off at the left side of the tree. At the bottom were three little birds. Then I looked through my closet until I found a pair of dark, navy blue tights with three bottoms at the end of the leggings, lining in a straight line from up to down. I frowned when I looked at myself in the full-length mirror.

My butt looked too big.

So I took out my brown and cream-ish checkered pants and pulled it over my tights, fastening it with a green belt. I decided to tie my hair up into a half-pony tail. Then I grabbed my leather bracelet and multi-colored-strings bracelet and slipped them on my left wrist. Mr. Pike said to wear comfy shoes so I decided to wear my white converse. Then I grabbed my brown sling bag and walked out of the building.

I patted my pocket on my pants to make sure my hand phone was there. Yeap, it was. So was my MP3 player in my other pocket. Good. At least I can entertain myself if I get too bored to death or something.

I went to school and my class was all standing outside waiting for our bus as students from other classes and years all walked inside the school compound. My class was colourful with girls wearing short, miniskirts that showed off their long, slim legs and really tight shirts that made their boobs want to burst. The guys were just dressed in casual shirts and jeans. No biggie.

I craned my neck.

Darn it, Jared was joining us on the trip today. I kept my head down when he turned to look at me. I didn’t want to face him just yet. I don’t know why but now every time I see him, I’m reminded of what happened at the detention room the other day and it made my stomach churn.

Could it be that I’ve developed a fear of Jared Ong?

Mr. Pike marked the attendance and everyone, astoundingly, were here (the threat really worked, damn that teacher for knowing how to get to us). Then he made us all clamber onto the bus. I wasn’t surprised when I sat alone. I had already expected it. But what I didn’t expect was Jared to come and sit next to me almost at once the moment the bus began to pull off from the curb.

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