11 - Watching the Game

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Jay’s POV

I woke up around five in the afternoon by the faint buzzing on my watch, indicating that Scott was calling. “Hello?”

He grimaced. “At least you did something,” he sighed, pointing out the fact that I had managed to lease a car during my stay here in Washington. “How was Snow White and The Huntsmen?”

I shrugged. “You know, the irony of it was that I found the evil witch extremely hot that I got so hard and had to relieve myself,” I replied and Scott shuddered, “whilst Snow White was just . . . meh.”

“So you wasted your time?”

“Not really,” I replied. “I had fun drooling over the evil witch and I imagined I was banging hard on that tight ass.”

“Ick,” Scott replied.

“You should watch it. I bet you’d get turned on too.”

“No thanks.” He sighed again. “Any luck finding the girl yet?” he asked and I sighed inwardly.

Isn’t there anything else he could ask me instead of that? Why is it that he only cared about the Games and doesn’t have any consideration about what I feel? I’m bored and I want to have fun. I haven’t had any luck in finding her anyway.

“Jay?” Scott said, calling me back to him.

I shook my head. “I’ve been looking around but I haven’t had any lead yet,” I told him. “Can’t you give me a tiny hint?”

He shook his head. “No way. That’s against the rules. You know I can’t tell you any information about her,” he replied. “You have to keep trying harder and look everywhere, not just in the city, you know.”

I yawned. “All right, I’ll do it.” I started my car and began driving down the streets, hoping for a familiar feeling in my heart.

“Talk to you later. Don’t get distracted. You better win this Game or else I’m going to murder you.” The screen blanked out.

I drove my car around the area. Then I stopped by the building. A lot of people were going inside, dressed in fancy getups. I parked my car and walked inside, glancing around — and immediately liked what I see.

I was in a pub, surrounded by hot, sexy girls waiting to get laid.

No One’s POV

Up in Planet Oneirataxia, Scott walked into the Hall, where Kris was checking over some stuff on the computer.

Kris looked up when he heard Scott entering. He smirked. “How’s yours coming along?” he asked, obviously not trying to make a conversation but to rather boast. “Trevor has already found his girl.”

Scott scowled darkly, obviously displeased with his goats. “Jay is about to find his girl,” he snapped. “Anyway, what are you doing here?” He glanced around.

Kris faked a yawn. “It’s getting a bit boring watching Trevor and his girl so I thought I’d come and just take a nice walk.”

“Sure,” Scott agreed, sneering with contempt. “Here’s a great idea for you: why don’t you take a nice, long walk away to Timbuktu and never come back?”

Kris rolled his eyes. “You’re just jealous Trevor found his girl and Jay is still searching, which means I’m ahead in this game — one step closer to winning, and being ahead of you by one. How petty of you, Scott, to be acting this way.”

Without another word, Scott turned on his heels and stalked out of the room in a huff. Kris smirked knowing that Scott hated being the loser and a loser he was right now..

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