27 - Abandoned

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Heather’s POV

He flicked my forehead and I yelped in pain. “Oh, come on,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Don’t exaggerate.”

I caressed my forehead. “It’s true,” I told him, pouting. “Aunty Irene is very fierce when she can be. I’m going to be sitting through dinner, wishing that I could disappear because I really don’t like it when she yells at me because she is just saying what a bad influence she is on me instead.”

He smiled sympathetically. He held me tight in his arms, his chin resting on my head and I was looking at his neck. I closed my eyes and snuggled in his arms like this. I felt really safe, like he could protect me from all harm.

Once I was sure I had calmed down, I told Trevor that I was going to work. I shouldn’t waste a day like this when I can spend it earning money. I needed the money, after all. Trevor walked me to the café.

When we reached there, he sweetly kissed me on my cheeks and I felt my heart beating so wildly. Why do I feel this way? Why do I feel butterflies in my stomach? “I’ll pick you up after your work, all right?” he said.

“Where are you going?” I asked him.

“Aww, you care about me,” he teased.

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, you know what, forget it,” I muttered. “Don’t tell me. I don’t care where you go, anyway.”

“Sure you don’t.”

“I don’t,” I retorted.

He laughed. “You know something?”


“You’re awfully rude to someone who’s older than you,” he pointed out and I scowled because he’s right.

So I childishly rolled my eyes.

“See?” he pointed out.

“You’re so annoying,” I muttered. I paused. “And you know what I just realized? I don’t know how old you are.”

“I’m twenty-two.”

My jaws dropped. “Are you serious?” I asked in disbelief. “But . . . you look as though you are nineteen!” All this time, I’ve been falling in love with a twenty-two —

What the hell? Did I just say in love?!

Trevor shrugged, scratching his temple. “Well, I’m twenty-two in Earthling years,” he replied, “if that matters.”

I shot him a look. “In Earthling years?” I repeated, confused. “What, so you mean you guys age differently?”

“Obviously,” he replied. “I’m an alien. Duh.”

I held back rolling my eyes impatiently. “Yeah, I figured,” I snapped. “So how do you count your Earthling years?”

“It’s a little bit hard to explain, to be honest,” he replied.

I thought about it when something came across my mind. “Wait . . . then, how old would you actually be?”

He grinned. “A hundred and forty-seven,” he replied.

My eyes bugged out.

You mean all this time I’ve been living with a hundred and forty-seven years old alien? I thought frantically.

“Ewww! Pedo!” I grimaced.

He rolled his eyes. “Seriously?” he said. “Do I look like I’m a hundred and forty-seven years old alien?”

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