25 - Jared's Evil Plan

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Heather’s POV

Darcy turned to me with a grin and I knew what was coming up. I rolled my eyes. She frowned. “Hey, don’t roll your eyes at me,” she said. But she let it slide because she was focused on other things. “So, how did you and Jay meet? I know you guys met at work, obviously, but how exactly did you guys meet? Did you guys hang out? What did he say? What did you say? What do you think about him?”

I held my hands up. “Whoa, whoa — one at a time!” I laughed, holding out a hand to stop her from rambling on to give me a chance to answer her questions, at the least.

“Okay, how did you and Jay meet?”

“We met because we work at the same place,” I replied.

She punched me. “Seriously!” She sighed. “Okay, fine, second question: how exactly did you guys meet?” she asked eagerly.

I caressed my shoulder where she had punched me. “You know, if you had asked me that at first, we wouldn’t have wasted ten seconds of our life and breath and time and I wouldn’t be hurt right now.” I feigned hurt.

She punched me again.


“Answer me properly or else the next place I’m hitting is your head.”

I rolled my eyes. “Well, we were both put in charge of washing the dishes,” I told her. “Since there was nothing else to do but to wash dishes and since it was pretty awkward with just the two of us washing the plates, not saying anything. So we just talked and got to know each other.”

She scrunched up her nose. “That’s it? No drama?”

I thought about us playing around with the dirty water in the kitchen and decided to leave Darcy out in the dark. “Nope, no drama, we just talked,” I replied. I looked at her and knew she was about to ask a completely different question so I answered it before she could even ask, “We just talked about how we know you, about the latest movie, my height, and other normal and non-drama stuff.”

Her face fell. But then she brightened. “You guys seemed to have hit off really well! That’s good; you’ve gotten over the awkwardness phase on dates then!”

I facepalmed. I should have known.

“Last question,” she said. I knew she wanted to hear this answer more than any other answers of the questions she just asked me. “What do you think about Jay? Would he make a good boyfriend?”

I shrugged. “Yeah, I guess he would,” I replied slowly and she let out a squeal, jumping a little. I shook my head at her little over-the-top enthusiasm. “He’s okay, I guess. But he reminds me of my cousin.” I looked pointedly at her.

She grimaced. “Very funny,” she shot back but I knew she didn’t mind. “Seriously, tell me what you think of him. I’m curious.”

Of course she would.

I blew a raspberry at my fringe that covered my eye and bit my bottom lip, thinking carefully of my choice of words. “To be honest,” I started to say, “he strike me as the kind of guys you would date.”

She stopped dead in her tracks. “No way,” she laughed.

“Way.” I glanced over at her. “You know,” I mused thoughtfully, stopping as well. I put my hands on my hips and turned to look at her. “I just realized something about you, Darcy Simmons.”

She shot me a questioning look. “What?”

“All this while, you had gone out your way to set me up on dates,” I said, “but you yourself don’t go out on dates.” I smirked.

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