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I wake up earlier than I intend. Since the night is going to be long, I prefer to sleep in much longer. 

I look over at the party invite. The theme is going to be the Roaring 20's. Everyone will be dressed extravagantly. I need something that's fitting. There's only one place I can get something as such, quickly.

Once I'm ready, I hop into my rental car and drive to the mall. I go straight to the store, knowing where it is by memory.


I walk in, and to my surprise, Ellie is already working. She doesn't notice me walk in, but her eyes go wide when she sees me standing in front of her.

"Excuse me, miss. Where could I find the men's suit section?" I smirk, trying not to give myself away. 

"Uh..." she trails. "We don't have a whole section, but the men's section is there. It has suit pieces." She points to a corner.

I squint. "I can't seem to find it. Do you mind showing it to me?"

She lets out an exasperated sigh and leads me to the area. 

"Oh, your shoe is untied." I point out. Without checking, she squats down to tie it. I do the same, and plant a kiss on her lips. Then, I hop up. We were covered by the racks, so there's no way anyone saw us. 

She takes a moment to realize what just happened but blushes furiously. She stands up and smooths her clothes over. 

"Well, if you need me, I'm at the register." She walks back like nothing happened, but her cheeks say differently. 

I can't tell where we stand. I know she's still annoyed, but she doesn't seem mad at me. Maybe this is a good thing? Maybe she's just going to blow up later. 

I smirk, watching her butt as she walks. She must feel my eyes because she throws a subtle middle finger back at me. 

I begin my search through the bland coats. It's funny, I can definitely afford nicer stores. 

Part of me thinks I came here with hope to see her.

There it is, sticking out like a sore thumb. A purple silk suit. It comes with a jacket and pants. I already have the perfect shirt for this. I hurry into the fitting room, praying it fits.

It's a perfect fit!

I walk to the registers only to see an older woman working it. I smile and hand her the outfit. "So, where's the cute girl that was working here?"

She cringes as she rings up the suit. "She went on break. Your total is $31.97." I hand the lady my card and wait. I'm a little disappointed she left. At least my outfit will be a surprise. 

I grab my bag and thank the lady. 

Ellie's P.O.V

I'm so excited for this party tonight, and I'm even more excited that Harry's going to be there. I don't know why or how Audrey invited him, but I don't question it. 

Once my shift is over, I run over to another store in the mall and pick up my outfit for tonight. It's a very fancy gown, something like what you would wear to your prom. 

It's definitely over budget, but it's the end of the year and I deserve to splurge a little. Hopefully, next year's tax return will cover it. 

I rush back home, wanting to nap before getting ready. Once I hit my pillow, I'm asleep.

An hour passes when I wake up. Audrey texts me, confirming if I'm coming early. Since I'm her BFF, I always show up early to help with decorations and setting up. Of course, she already has the staff for that.

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