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Not gonna lie... I put off this chapter for a long, long time. We're closing in, people! 

Don't forget to comment and vote!! 

Huffing and puffing, I'm a sweaty mess when I come back from my run. It was a good one, this time. I'm almost feeling better about Harry's temper tantrum from earlier and I haven't thought about my dad once. 

It's definitely an improvement.

However, when I swing open the apartment door, I freeze. An entire audience is crowded in my living room, staring back at me with startled eyes.

And by audience, I mean Louis, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Drew, Audrey, and a very disturbed Harry. 

The whole ass band plus groupies.

The heat from my body immediately disappears. It feels like I've been doused with iced cold water. They're all here and looking at me like they're about to deliver bad news. 

Oh no...

"What's going on?" I warily step into the living room. Based on the somber faces, nothing good can come out of this. The boys being here only adds to my stress. I didn't even know whether they were still in the country! If they came especially for me, it must be bad news. No sane person would travel continents for no reason.


Audrey's the first to speak. "Have a seat, babe," she says as she pats the empty spot next to her. I immediately pop down, fully aware of the sets of eyes following my every move.

"Actually," Louis interjects, sending me a hesitant look. "I think this is more of a private conversation."

My heart pounds against my ribcage. I wish I could say it's from overexerting myself from the run but it's definitely not.  What makes it worse that everyone nods in agreement.

"You're scaring me," I say in a lighthearted attempt for them to break out into grins and tell me they're kidding.

They don't. 

Harry reaches for my hand but I stand up, rushing to my room. The last thing I want is a reason to stall. Not to mention, I'm still a tad upset about earlier. He follows in my footsteps, trailing a little too close to comfort. 

Look, I've had a long day. All I want is my bed.

Unfortunately for me, Harry claims it. He pats the vacant spot next to him but I childishly cross my arms and stand. He sighs. 

Good. It's the least he gets for breaking his stupid hand and leaving in suspense like this. 

When it's clear he isn't making the first move, I do. "What's going on? Why is everyone here?"

"So, you remember your favorite person in the world?" he starts, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Off the bat, I can't tell who he's talking about. 

I wait for him to continue.

"Trina," he answers. "Well, I just found out some information. Her management is suing us for violation of contract unless we continue the charade."

I furrow my brows. "But you're paying her, right? I thought that was the new deal? Either way, I'm sure you can afford the settlement," I say, not understanding where he's going.

"It's more complicated than that. The whole purpose of the contract was publicity. She doesn't want our money. In fact, Tom was telling me that the whole point of this lawsuit is to defame me. They don't like that I've backed out and they think they can make a good case not only about the contract, but other false accusations. They want to drag my name through the mud and file several charges against me."

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