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Ellie's P.O.V

I wake up in a strange bed. I take a moment to look around. Someone stirs in the bed next to me. I hesitantly flip around and see a mop of fluffy curls.

"Fuck," I yell without thinking.

Harry stirs and mumbles, "good morning to you too." 

Tell me I didn't just give my virginity away.

I peep under the sheets to see me wearing a t-shirt of Harry's. Double fuck. The odds of us sleeping together are high. Why else would I be wearing his clothes? God knows what my drunk self did last night. 

I look over at Harry and he seems to be asleep again. Before he can notice, I slowly crawl out of bed and grab my clothes. I leave with his shirt on. I don't have time to change or else I risk Harry waking up and actually confronting me about whatever we did. Lucky for me, his shirt is long enough to look like a dress, so I'm not exposing myself.

I wait for the elevator. With my (unfortunate) luck, Niall steps out when it opens.

"Oh, hi Ellie! What are you doing here?" He asks before noticing my apparel. I can see a flicker of disappointment, but he quickly masks it.  "Oh..."

"Hey, dude. Uh... this isn't what it looks like. Or maybe it is? I don't know honestly, I was drunk." I blabber, mentally telling myself to shut up. 

He furrows his brow, super confused. 

"Um, yeah. Anyway, I need to go back before anyone else sees me. Let me know if you find out though." I continue before stepping on to the machine. 

Let me know? I am the dumbest bitch out there. 

This is the weirdest walk of shame.

The door shuts and I let out a breath of relief. I seriously need to handle my problems better. 


Unknown: You're in the clear. Nothing happened last night. Xx- Niall.

I let out the biggest sigh. I figured Harry wouldn't do that, but I also feel like I don't know him as well as I thought.

Thank God for Niall. I never thought he'd be the one to tell me whether I lost my virginity or not.

Some twisted life I'm living.

Another day, another busy schedule. Today we have back to back interviews with different magazines. Who even reads those anymore?

I meet Harry in the lobby. 

"About last night..." he starts.

"What about it?" I ask curtly. "Nothing happened."

"You're kidding. You call that nothing? What has gotten into you?" He stops, grabbing my arm to stop me from walking. "You basically beg me to 'fuck' you and now you're ignoring me again?" He uses air quotes on the word fuck.

This catches my attention. "Did I actually?"

"What?" He gives me a confused look.

"Harry, I was basically black-out drunk. You'd think I'd remember th... oh fuck." I trail off, realization hitting me in the face.

I was in his situation. I asked him to have sex. If it were anyone else, they'd probably agree. 

The same thing goes for him. He was drunk and did something out of character. Someone asked him to have sex, and he said yes.

He wasn't aware of what he was doing at the moment.

Am I really justifying his cheating? Yes. Am I going to forgive him? Also yes. Am I going to keep fighting for our relationship? No.

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