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Waking up alone is gross. When the light finally hits my eyes in the morning, I'm alone. Harry isn't in sight. He probably went back to his room. I can't help but feel a little disappointed. 

I look around the room to see a little folded card on my nightstand. It reads: Order a nice breakfast and text me when you wake up Xx

At least he left a note. I send a text, letting him know that I'm awake, but don't order breakfast. It's way too expensive and I usually just manage with a coffee anyway.

I decide to check out the bathroom. It's enormous. There's a big glass shower, tub in the corner, and a vanity with two sinks. The mirror even has a built-in screen to control temperature, the color of the lights, and can play music.

This place has to be freaking expensive.

Complimentary toothbrushes and toothpaste are provided. I grab one and begin to brush my teeth. Once I'm done, I make sure the sink is as clean as it was when I came in. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's dried toothpaste on the sink. It's disgusting. 

There's even a towel warmer. I decide to take a shower, washing off the long flight from the night before. Once I'm done, I use two towels, one for my body and one for my hair.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I realize someone's been knocking. I open the door without thinking to find an amused Harry holding a plate. He lets himself in, grazing my arm ever so slightly.

"What's that," I ask, referring to the plate in his hand. He places it on the kitchen counter and uncovers it. French toast! "What's the occasion?"

"I know you didn't order breakfast. I just wanted to make sure you ate." He smiles and takes a seat on the couch.

"Let me go change real quick." I feel awkward standing in a towel. As I head back to the room, I hear Harry's footsteps following me. I turn around and ask, "What are you doing?"

"Coming with you."

I groan. "No, I don't wanna change in front of you."

He gives me a little pout. "Nothing I haven't seen before." Technically he's right. "Okay fine. Just dress semi-comfortable." He sighs and goes to sit back on the couch, pulling out his phone.

I change quickly, excited to see what the day holds.

When I go back, he's pacing while on the phone. He notices me and holds up one finger to indicate he's busy.

I decide to make some coffee. Hotel coffee has always been gross in my opinion, but it's my only option. I need some form of caffeine to get me through the day.

Harry sounds very mad on the phone. I listen in on parts of his conversation. "Well, tell him that we either get to book the studio or he loses our business. I don't care. He's the one scamming us."

I know he isn't genuinely angry, but more frustrated. Trust me, an angry Harry is scary. Luckily, I haven't seen that side very often.

As I'm getting the coffee ready, Harry stops me. I can't ask why, because he's still talking. I huff and sit down on the couch, annoyed.

I watch him pace. Well, I watch his butt as he paces. He's wearing tight pants, highlighting his cake.

He notices my staring and smirks. I look away, shamelessly.

I open my phone to see a million texts from everyone.

Lily: I KNOW you didn't just meet 1D!!!!

Lily: Keeping this secret and not showing off gives me so much pain. You're lucky I'm a good sister.

Audrey: Girl! Where are you? What about operation Drew?

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