6- Jealous?

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Kai's pov

Y/n was too beautiful for her own good.

All week, I've been chasing guys away from her. We go out to a restaurant, the waiter flirts all night with her. We go for a walk, guys are looking at her way too much. At the park, a guy brought her flowers. Right infront of me! We went to an art museum and two different guys and a girl came up to her the moment I stepped more than 8 inches away and compared her to masterpieces.

(I mean the girl's pick up line was really smart and she was pretty too, but come on!)

Even Lloyd pulled a pickup line on her. That didn't go over well. Even if it was just a prank.

And now? Yeah, okay I might get protective but this is absurd.

I said I wouldn't be long. I was only getting us refills for the movie.

I was gone for maybe 10 minutes! And I come back to see y/n taking to another guy. A really, really good looking guy.

He had mousy brown hair kept short and a sharp jawline. He was wearing square glasses that protected clear blue eyes that crinkled at something y/n said and clear, healthy skin.

Was he flirting with her? The way he was looking her over would say so.

Wait. Was she flirting with him?

Without realizing it, the drinks in my hand had started to boil and the few unpoped corn kernels were no longer unpoped. I could feel my face flush beat red under my hoodie disguise.

Y/n saw and started laughing at me. Looking at her confused, I followed her over to their little conversation.

"Uh, hey, y/n," I said, clearing my throat and eyeing the guy suspiciously. He looks a little disappointed that I walked up but he just raises an eyebrow at me and smiles. I put an arm around my girlfriend's shoulders protectively. Subconsciously pulling her away from the strangely attractive guy. (takes one to know one) "So, who's this?"

"Oh, this," she gestures to the guy. "Is Danny. Danny, this is-" I cut her off. Not breaking eye contact with 'Danny'.

"Kai. The red ninja of fire. And I'm pretty sure you've met my girlfriend. " I say as my eyes narrow emphasizing the word 'girlfriend'. In the corner of my eye, I can see y/n give me a weird look.

"Oh, yeah, y/n and I have known each other for years," Danny says unfazed by my glair. Well mostly. "We, uh, we used to date for the longest time."

I raise my eyebrows in interest and I look at y/n for conformation. She giggles and nods at my action. "We were the cutest couple in high school,"

"It didn't last. Just wasn't working. Had a but of a falling out. So we broke it off. Promised to still be friends and keep in touch which someone has neglected to do so," He gave y/n a friendly pointed look.

She puts her hands up in surrender. "Hey! I would have! But I was busy! And I told you, I got a new phone so I lost your contact. "

"Good thing I think," I mumble under my breath. Y/n elbows me in the gut suttlely but doesn't say anything for the moment.

Danny clapped his hands together, breaking the little awkward silence that fell over our conversation. "Uh, anyway, I'm actually on a date myself!"

"Oh, I didn't know you had a girlfriend," y/n comments.

"I don't, it's a blind date, actually. "
He rubbed the back of his neck as he confessed. "My brother set it up."

"Well, have a good time than," said y/n.

"You too. Enjoy the movie," Danny replied as he walked back to his seat.

"I don't like him." I say flatly as soon as he was out of earshot.

"Okay, wow, I don't think I've ever seen you this jealous before!"

"I'm not jealous, " I defend. "I'm cautious... And protective. " we turn to walk back to our oun seats.

"Uh, hun," y/n roles her eyes. "And I'm a platypus. I'm sure that if you got to know him, you'd like him. He's a really nice guy, he's honest and he doesn't boil soft drinks when he sees me talking to another guy,"

My face regains its previous red shade. She laughs. "Relax, match stick, or you'll blow a fuse. And besides, " she gives me a kiss on my lips as we sit down in our seats. "We're only friends, you're the only guy for me."

I smile and kiss her again, this time a little deeper than before. I cress her cheek as I pull back. "I still don't like him, but I trust you."

"Thank you," she says as she turns in her seat to watch the previews, leaning her head on my shoulder. I lay my arm across the back of her seat as the a commercial for a new borg phone flashes on the big screen.

"You were totally jealous, though," she whispers in my ear. "It's cute."

"I'm not cute!"


"Shut up." I hiss at her over her hushed giggles as the film brand logo plays across the screen.

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