15- Famed Fugitives

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Your pov

"I'm tired of sneaking around," Kai says to the group around the table. When the ninja broke out, Kai came straight to my house. I'm still shocked that he wasn't seen by anyone. But than again, he was a ninja. -And angry. Very angry. I told them not to try anything! And on top of that, they let Soto out with them! I was breaking so many rules by not turning him in. But I was happy to be back beside my favourite Hothead, nonetheless. Right now we were all crowded in my family room each with a hot mug of my lemon tea.

Thankfully Mom and her husband- Greg, were off in Dormu doing... whatever. So I didn't need to worry about them.

"Easy, Kai. We're all itching to get back into action. But so far two of our own have gone missing, and none of us have yet to lay an eye on him," explains Lloyd.

Zane looks deep in thought. "If only we knew someone who had faced him and could tell us what to expect."

It might have just been the fact that I was sleep deprived, but I swear Jay looked really uncomfortable at the white ninja's words. He's been acting very tense ever since we snuck into the precinct to get a location on this magic ship. (Again, very angry and I just want to say, I'm still against that plan)

Lloyd sighs. "I wish Wu we-"

Jay cuts him off. "No! Don't say that word!" We all look at him a little surprised. Zane looks suspicious of the blue bird's behavior. Jay gives a breathly laugh.

I role my eyes. But as I do so, somthing catches my atention. "Hey, guys?"

I go unnoticed, Jay continues.

"I mean, why wish when we have everything we need right here, right? Haha. Go, Ninja, go?" He raises his fist in a halfhearted cheer. The ninja look at him blankly.

"GUYS!" I yell. They all look at me. I point to the tv that was playing in the background.

There's a video of a Ninjago street, but there's a large half plane half pirate ship floating down the center. A man voices over the picture. "I don't know why this is news anymore, but Ninjago City's once again under attack by pirates. Or dare I say, Sky Pirates?"

"Isn't that-" I trail off, it can't be a coincidence that they're the same people we were just talking about.

Cole immediately stands up, pointing the screen. "We have to help!"

"But we're fugitives," Zane points out.

"Doesn't matter. We protect the innocent," says the green ninja.

"And Soto said the map is on that ship. If we wanna stop Nadakhan, we need it." Nya adds.

Kai looks at his team with a small smile. "Well, what are we waiting for? I thought we were all itching to get back into action," he turns to me and grabs me by the shoulders. "Stay safe."

"But I can help! I'm supposed to help! I'm going to help! It's my job!"

Kai shakes his head. "Please." he begs. I nod. I won't be fighting beside my boyfriend, but I can still get people to safety with my co-workers.

I run out the back with Lloyd to confront the commissioner and start to guide people away from the streets.

Kai's pov

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