12- The Wrong Girl

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[More violence. Blood, gore-ish, I guess. Some swearing. Read on.]

I wake up with my head pounding. Like a really bad hangover. But I don't remember drinking. Like, ever. Except that one time Dad gave me a sip of his beer when I was 7.

Bf/n on the other hand... did she convince me to drink last night?

I groan as I open my eyes expecting the ceiling of my room, or the Bounty, or Bf/n's room. But I'm met with dark dirt ceiling, walls and floor. One side made of metal bars?

Where in the name of Ninjago am I?

I force my still hazy mind to think about the last thing I remember.

Kai and I arguing...
Running through the rain...
The man...
He was sorry for somthing and then I fell asleep?

Did he- no, he wouldn't. Why would he? There was no reason for him to lace my tea.

I try to roll on my side so I can stand up. But somthing stops me in my tracks.


He's standing there, on the other side of the bars, shifting from foot to foot, his hands in his pockets, looking at me. I glare at him. Hurt and confused. Maybe a bit angry. Okay, a lot angry.


"Please let me explain," he cuts me off.

"It better be good," my eyes narrow at him. I hold my head as I sit up, trying to ease my growing headache. "One of my best friends just drugged and kidnapped me. I feel like I was dropped on my head, I woke up in a cell and by heart just broke for the second time in less than two days," I give him a look that would make the most unrepentant mob boss feel guilty. And poor Danny got all of it. Maybe not 'poor', he did kidnap me, but he does look guilty. Good.

"I didn't want to," he starts, not meeting my eyes. "It's my brother, and- and his friend. They- I- he- he blackmailed me. Said that if I didn't help him, he would frame me for everything he did. And... expose-" he stopped.

"What? A secret? What did he blackmail you with?"

My ex-boyfriend and now ex-friend as far as I'm concerned looks anywhere but at me. He digs his toe into the ground. "I- he got me out of a tight situation a while back. I was stupid and- ugh!" He ran his hand through his hair before leting it fall to his side. His eyes found the hole his toe dug and locked onto it. A heartbeat later, he takes a breath and continues.

"But more importantly, I still- still love you, Y/n, and I never stopped. He said he'd hurt you if I didn't help him. He said he'd torture you. I couldn't let that happen."

"I-I had to do something. So when I saw you run out of the cafe, I followed you, and I brought you to my apartment and I knocked you out the most painless way I could think of. Then my brother carried you here," he looked angry at his brother but at himself aswell.

"Why am I here?" I whisper. The worst crossing my mind first.

Danny glances up and looks into my eyes for the first time. "You're easier to take than a ninja." My breath catches.

Out of my line of vision, came a few muffled grunts. They got louder and louder until three figures came down the tunnel to where the cell was.

It was Danny's brother, and his friend, 'Nuts'. They were restraining a red headed girl between them. She thrashed violently and kicked 'Nuts' in the nuts. Ha, if I wasn't kidnapped, I'd have laughed at the coincidence.

At his brother's look, Danny opened the cell door and they threw the girl to the floor. I lean down to help her up but she waves me off.

Before either of us can do anything, the cell is locked once again.

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