10- Date Night

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An: again, look out for out of order chapters! This one is a bit shorter. My life is crazy. You are all amazing. Happy reading :)

Kai insisted that he takes me out to this fancy restaurant tonight. It's been a while since we went anywhere fancy and I have to admit, I'm actually excited to get dressed up.

Not my stepdad's level of dress up where I look like a barbie, but you know, a nice dress, maybe a pair of heels. And just enough makeup to cover my acne.

As well as a sweater because it's march.

Bf/n is pacing my room, schooling me on table edicts and stuff. And when step dad heard about it he came rushing over, trying to 'bond' again. Once again over reacting about the small stuff like my shoes are two shades off my dress which will throw off my lipstick. Bf/n had the decency to lock him out of my room.

When I'm done getting dressed, I'm in a floor length flowing red dress with off shoulder sleeves and a maroon shawl. My hair is pulled back in a bun in the back of my head. A little white flower clip keeps a few stubborn wisps of hair out of my face. I'm wearing the same red flats as usual, but my dress is so long I don't think anyone will notice.

Bf/n wishes me luck and sends me outside where Kai is waiting outside with a car, this time. Good thing. I don't think this dress would sit nicely on the back of a bike.

The ride is silent but happy. Kai seems a little excited to show off I guess. The restaurant is beautiful. It was an old temple in the middle of the city. Red and gold pillars, the three tier roofs are finished with elegant ivory flying eaves and gold dragons. The windows are trimmed with geometric, traditional yet modern frosted glass designes. The dragon carvings on the tall wooden doors jump off and seem to fly without actually moving. I gasp. It's breathtaking.

A man in a gold embedded jacket takes the keys from Kai and another escorts us inside (which is just as beautifully preserved and elegant as the outside) to a reserved table.

Kai pulled my chair out and pushed me in when I sat down, both of us blushing madly. "Thank you, kind sir." I say.

"But of course, my lady," he replied in the same tone.

A waiter placed a red menu infront of me and filled my glass with water. I open my menu and take a glance at the options. "Oh, uh..." I say as my eyes skim the large digits beside the dishes.

"Don't worry about the cost, I got it," he said, leaning forward a little.

"Did you promise our first child or something?" I laugh. His face turns redder than his gi wich makes  me laugh more.  "I'm kidding, kidding!"

The waiter comes back with a little note pad and pen and explains the day's specials. I order a cream of mushroom soup and a steak with potatoes and greens.(sorry if you don't like/can't have this dish. Just pretend you do or make up your own.) Kai takes a ceasar salad and a lemon olive oil salmon.

My mouth starts watering as other waiters bring steaming dishes to other guests. I try to start up a conversation so I have something to take my mind off food.

"So, what's the ocation?" I ask.

Kai puts down his water. "Do I need an ocation to treat the best girlfriend ever to dinner?"

"No," I lean my chin on my hand. "But I know you. Today's something special,"

Kai throws his hands up in mock defeat. "You got me. It's a special day," he smirks.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "It's not your birthday, is it?"

"Nope," he pops the 'p'.

"It's not mine, or anyone else's. Is it?"

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