13- Girls Rule the World

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You're pov

"I'm sorry, Y/n," Kai says as he pulls his new mask over his hair. Their new "Airjitzu" gies had just arrived and the guys immediately wanted to show them off. They were mostly black with coloured trims, braces and sleves. On the chest was their elemental animal in a tornado. Overall, 6/10, if you ask me.

Kai shrugs. "It's not too far, but Zane, Jay and I will be gone all day and most of the night."

I pout against the door frame of the ninja's shared bunk room. I finally get a break off of training after being kidnapped and my boyfriend is leaving on an over night mission.

Great luck, right?

They had gotten a tip that there was a gang that was using the same weapons from that night Kai got hurt. And being the ninja, they jumped at the chance to maybe get them off the street. It made my stomach turn just thinking that Kai'll be anywhere near those weapons again.

But as stubborn as I was, he was more persistent. And his argument about how he was an elemental master trained for this thing and whose duty was to protect Ninjago was pretty hard to brush off.

"But I miss you already. " he says.

I give him a small smile that doesn't quite reach my eyes. "Thanks, match stick, good luck, " I say and hug him.

"I love you, chipmunk, " he lowers the bottom half of his mask and places a kiss on my nose. I raise my head and kiss him properly. After another tight squeeze, he leaves for the deck of the ship.

I begin to wonder around and find Nya training with Skylor, who popped in after she closed the noodle house for the day.

"Hey," Nya says when she sees me. "The guys gone?" I nod. The two imidiatly stop training and smile.

"What happened?" I look between them.

"I closed up the restaurant early, " said Skylor. She walks up and pulls me back onto the ship. "'Cause we, my friend, are going to the dance club."


"Girl's night out," says Skylor. "No boys. It's going to be the best. "

"Come on, Bf/n is already on her way," Nya says as she drags me to her room to borrow an outfit.

10 minutes later, I find myself in a short silver crop top with tight black jeans and comfortable high heeled shoes, my hair up in a curly bun and red lipstick and wild eye makeup, courtesy of Nya's wardrobe. Nya herself was in a knee length blue strapless dress with a matching belt and a blond wig with crazy glasses (so no one would recognize her). Bf/n was wearing pink sweatpants and a 'smile! It's Friday' tee that fell of one shoulder. Skylor wore a tight, gold long sleeve shirt that showed off her toned midriff and matching gold skirt with her hair in her regular high ponytail.

We all looked like goddesses. I definitely felt like one. Especially when we were driving in Nya's fancy sweet high tech car down the city street in the fading sunlight.

"Pizza first, I can't dance on an empty stomach, " said Bf/n with a fist in the air. She directs us down the street to a small restaurant with neon lights advertising their menu.

A wave of flavour and warmth hits my face as the glass door opens. It's only then I realized how hungry I was. It's around dinner time anyway.

All four of us stuff our face with the thin, Italian origin food. I laugh at Nya as she gets sauce in her disguise and with Skylor trying (and failing) to eat the entire string of cheese that connects the food to her lips. Wich measures a good couple feet long, It'sso stretchy.

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