Chapter 1

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Izuku was getting annoyed. He was beyond annoyed at this point.

He wasn't sure how many times he's told the girls he was gay, or the guys he wasn't interested. It didn't matter to them. The girls would just keep trying saying 'well you aren't dating anyone, so how would you know?'. The guys wouldn't justify it, they'd just keep hitting on him.

He was done with all of them.

He just wasn't looking for a relationship. Why was that so hard for all of them to understand? They'd all be graduating in a few months and becoming real pros, he didn't want to have to worry about a significant other. Maybe in a few years when he has a stable foot hold in the hero world, but until then, he just wanted to stay single and care free.

That leads us to his current predicament.

He had just wanted a snack, seeing as he hadn't eaten all day. Causually walking into the kitchen, not thinking anything of it, he went to the fridge. Looking around, he didn't find anything that interested him. Sighing in defeat and shutting it, he made his way over to the cupboards.

He heard the front doors open, but wasn't fazed. Until he heard a certain someone's voice. Or rather, multiple someone's voices.

"Hey, have you seen Deku anywhere? I need to talk to him?" Uraraka asked someone.

"No, I was actually just looking for him myself." Todoroki responded.

"Why do you need to find him?" She asked suspiciously.

"Why do you?" He asked back.

'Oh jeez, I couldn't just have one afternoon without this happening?' he thought to himself.

Uraraka and Todoroki both had a huge crush on him. They weren't the only ones, but they were definitely two of the most persitant. No matter how many times Izuku told Uraraka he liked boys, or told Todoroki he saw him as more of a brother than anything else, they still both kept trying. It was exhausting.

Not to mention they would frequently fight over him. Todoroki would usually win, just becuase he'd bring up that Izuku was, in fact, very gay, and she didn't stand a chance. She never had a good comeback, so she'd usually just stomp away.

Izuku started to panic as their voices came nearer to the kitchen. He quickly walked towards the stairs at the other end of the commons, hoping to get away before either of them noticed him.

No such luck was granted to him.

"Deku!" He heard Uraraka faintly exclaim as he just made it to the stairs.

In the split second he had to think, he weighed his options. He coudl either do the nice and probably right thing, and respond. He'd get sucked into another terrible, one sided, flirty, conversation with both of them. It'd take another half hour to get back to his room.


He could pretend he didn't hear her, get into the safety of the stair well, and break out into a full sprint. He could probably at least make it to the second floor before either of them made it to the stairs. That way they wouldn't think he was intentionally avoiding them. He'd have to hide on the second floor though, and he wasn't sure how to do that.

But it was something he'd just have to figure out as he went, because he stepped fully into the stair well, let the door close behind him, and sprinted all of the stairs. He reached the second floor and made it out, just as the first floor door opened.

They were trying to catch up with him.

Not good.

He felt panic set in, yet again, as he stared at the four doors in front of him. His only four options. He didn't have time to knock as he went around, seeing if any of them happened to be unlocked.

He quicky tried the first handle. Twisting it, he found it to be locked.

He moved onto the next one. He twisted the handle just like he had the first time, but found it to be unlocked.

He would have to apologize to whoever owned the dorm later. He quickly slipped into the room, shutting and locking the door, just as the door to the stairwell opened. He leaned against the door and took a deep breath.


Izuku snapped his head up and made direct eye contact with Denki Kaminari. His eyes widened a fraction as he realized that this was clearly his dorm and he had just barged in with no warning.

"What are you-" Before the yellow haired boy could finish his question, Izuku had rushed forwards. He jumped onto the other teens bed, where he had been seated before the intrusion, and covered Kaminari's mouth with his hand. Izuku lifted his free hand to his lips in a 'keep quiet' sign.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, causing Izuku to flinch.

"Deku? Are you in there?" Uraraka's voice called through the thin peice of wood that separated them.

Realization crossed Kaminari's features as he heard the female's voice. We both waited in silence.

"I don't think anyone's in there." Todoroki said, his voice slightly muffled becuase of the door.

"Yeah, he must have just gone to his own dorm then." Uraraka said.

Neither of the boys moved until the door for the stairs slammed shut behind the other two teens. Once they heard that sound, Izuku let out a breath of relief and let go of Kaminari, moving off of his bed.

"I'm so sorry about that! I just didn't want to deal with either of them at the moment." Izuku said while nervously scratching the back of his neck. He was worried that the other boy would be upset with him for just barging into his room.

Clearly he didn't know Kaminari that well.

"Dude, it's fine. I get it. They can both be a bit... much." Kaminari said with a shrug as he went back to scrolling through his phone. "You should probably stay here if you want to avoid them though, they sounded like they were gonna go search your room." He said with an amused look on his face.

Izuku let out an annoyed groan as he walked back over to the yellow haired boy's bed. He sat down at the end, crossing his legs to take up less room. "Why are they both like that? Why can't they just accept the fact I don't like either of them like that?" He asked, but it was more of a recorical question. There wasn't a chance Kaminari could have the answer to that question.

"Honestly, with the detemination both of them seem to have, I don't think they'll give up until you finally start dating someone else or them." Kaminari joked.

But he wasn't wrong.

Izuku dragged his hands through his hair in exasperation. "I know that! But I don't want to date anyone right now, there's just to much going on to add dating on top of it." He whined.

"Why don't you just fake-date someone?" Kaminari suggested. He was honestly just worried for the green haired boy's safety at this point.

"But who would even agree to that?" He asked back.

Kaminari thought for a moment. Then he shrugged and said, "I would."

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