Chapter 5

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"Ugh, we have school tomorrow." Izuku complained while laying on his stomach on Kaminari's bed. After the small outing, both boys had retreated back to Kaminari's dorm to hang out and discuss their situation more. They had both just opted out for the hanging out part. They had come to discover that they quite enjoyed each other's company.

"Yeah we do, did you finish the math homework?" Kaminari asked with a raised eyebrow. He had finished his own at the start of the weekend, trying to avoid rushing to do it the last day.

Izuku shot straight up from his sprawled out position. "Crap! I completely forgot about that." He said with a groan.

Kaminari nearly laughed at the boy's response. He had thought that with Izuku's level of intelligence, he would have completed the homework in class, but apparently he was mistaken. "Just go grab it and come back, I already finished so I can help if you need it." He said with a shrug.

Izuku was skeptical as he left to get his assignment. Kaminari wasn't well known for his smarts. Izuku and many of his classmates had wondered to themselves how he had even passed the entrance exams. Most chalked it up to memorization or luck. Izuku wasn't so sure. He had his theories, but none of them seemed to make any sense.

With that thought, he decided to make a plan. He grabbed his math homework and a calculator, he'd need both of them if he wanted to actually succeed. Of course, there was always complications that could arise, but Izuku would just have to deal with them when they came up.

"Sorry that took so long, I couldn't find my notebook." Izuku said honestly as he walked back into the other's dorm. He really hadn't been able to find his notebook and it took him nearly ten minutes to locate it, hidden under stacks of hero analysis journals.

"Don't sweat it." Kaminari said, looking up at Izuku with a smile on his face. Izuku smile back and took a seat at the foot of the bed.

He decided to put the first step of his plan into action. "Hey Kami? Do you mind if I just ask you some random questions? Just to get to know you better." He asked innocently.

"Yeah, go for it." Izuku figured Kaminari would agree, that wasn't going to be the hard part. The hard part was going to be distracting him enough.

"Cool. Hm, favorite food?" He asked, pulling out his calculator and making it look like he was just working on homework.

"Oranges probably." Kaminari answered nonchalantly.

"Nice. Favorite tv show?"

"I don't really have one."

"Favorite video game?"

"Call of Duty."

"Favorite animal?"

"Any type of lizard."

"Thirteen thousand four hundred twenty five times three thousand two hundred fifty nine?" (13,425 x 3,259)

"forty three million, seven hundred fifty two thousand, seventy five." (43,752,075) He said back almost instantly.


He seemed to realize his mistake as soon as he answered. His eyes widened and his eyes slowly moved up to meet the smug face of Izuku Midoriya.

"Why doesn't anyone know you're a literal genius?" He asked Kaminari, not accusingly, just curious. Realistically, he had to be one of the smartest kids in 1-A, right? So why didn't anyone know about it?

"Izu, you can not tell anyone!" Kaminari rushed, setting down his phone and shifting so he was sitting on his knees.

"But why? What's so terrible about everyone knowing you're actually smart?" Izuku asked, just getting more confused. Kaminari seemed overly defensive about this secret and it actually worried him. Why was he trying so hard to hide it.

"I just- they can't- No. No one can find out. Promise me Midoriya, no one can know." Kaminari said, shifting closer to Izuku so their noses nearly touched. The severity in his tone scared Izuku, and all he could do was nod in response.

"Thank god." Kaminari said letting out a breath of relief.

"I'm still confused. Why is it such a big deal?" Izuku asked.

Kaminari shook his head. "It's a long story."

"I've got nothing but time."

"Trust me, it's not enough. Maybe later." Kaminari mumbled, clearly not wanting to continue the conversation with the current topic.

As much as Izuku didn't like it, he respected it. He dropped it and continued with his homework. Occasionally, he'd get stuck, Kaminari would notice and guide him through the problem. Never once did Izuku ask for help, he didn't want to make the other boy uncomfortable, but Kaminari didn't seem to mind, and would just jump in whenever he noticed Izuku struggling.

They were able to get through the whole assignment in a relatively short amount of time. "What'd you wanna do now?" Izuku asked, tilting his head to the side.

'He's like a fucking puppy.' Kaminari thought to himself, try to keep his blush in check. The green haired boy would surely be his demise. "Want to watch Netflix?" He suggested.


Kaminari patted the spot at the top of the bed, next to him. Izuku moved up as the yellow haired boy pulled up Netflix and started scrolling. "Anime or regular tv?" He asked, turning his head slightly to look at Izuku.

"Anime, duh." He responded, causing Kaminari to chuckle and go to the anime tab.

"Angel Beats?" He suggested.

"Sure, it sounds interesting." Izuku said with a shrug.

Long story short, they binged the whole show. Izuku was sobbing. Kaminari was trying so hard to hold back his own tears as Angel disappeared from the 'world'.

"She just- she just left him!" Izuku said in between sobs.

Kaminari could only nod, knowing that if he tried to speak, his own tears would start to flow. They both felt absolutely gross with the ending, and particularly clingy. Kaminari was the one to reach over and pull Izuku into his arms so Izuku was curled up against his chest as they both were laying down.

The green haired boy was confused by his actions. "Why-"

"That ending fucked me up and now I'm sad, just let me have this." Kaminari explained.

Izuku just nodded, not even having a complaint about his current situation. He was warm, comfortable, and he felt incredibly safe. It was nice.

He didn't even notice when he drifted off to sleep.

Neither did Kaminari.

Of course, they both failed to notice that they hadn't set an alarm.

What were the odds they'd wake up in time for school the next morning?

Not very good.

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