Chapter 7

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"Oh for the love of All Might..." He whispered to himself as he realized that in his haste, he had just made another set back in their progress to get to class. It was a nightmare come to life.

"Let me help." Kaminari said, amusement still very clear in his tone.

He stopped a few inches in front of Izuku. He moved one side of his tie out of the way so he could get to the buttons on his shirt. Kaminari realized that the few that were actually buttoned, weren't even lined up correctly. He started to work, unbuttoning them so he could fix it.

Izuku was petrified. Kaminari was just unbuttoning his shirt! What was he supposed to do in this situation? His logical side was telling him to move and fix his appearance himself, but he couldn't seem to work his limbs properly.

It didn't help that Kaminari realized exactly what he was doing, after seeing the boys face turn a bright shade of red for the third time that morning. He was just to easy.

Kaminari slowly unbuttoned Izuku's shirt, starting at the top buttons and making his way down, lightly grazing his hands on Izuku's chest as he went, just enough to send shivers down the smaller boy's spine. Sure, Kaminari had seen his chest plenty of times before while in the locker rooms, before or after training, but something about this time, it just felt different. More intimate.

Kaminari decided to push his limits, letting his fingers travel slowly up Izuku's chest to get to the top most button. Izuku had squeezed his eyes tightly shut. If he wasn't going to stop it from happening, he couldn't make eye contact, that'd make it worse.

Once all of his buttons were done up and all fixed, Kaminari moved onto the tie. He slowly and carefully moved the material around, creating a perfect tie. It wasn't the same way Izuku normally did it, but only one of the boys was upset about it. And it was Izuku.

The green haired boy still hadn't opened his eyes, so Kaminari reached around him, grabbing the side of his blazer that wasn't on his arm. Once he slipped it on Izuku, he grabbed the front of it and pulled him closer, leaning forwards to whisper in the short boy's ear.

"Keep it in your pants, we're already late."

Izuku moved back like Kaminari was on fire. "I-I-I- that's not- what- I'm- you're-"

Kaminari chuckled at the boy's flustered thoughts that he couldn't seem to clearly articulate. He decided to just stop him, watching it any longer would just be cruel. He grabbed Izuku's backpack, not bothering with his own, and Izuku's hand. "Let's go bunny."

"Okay..." Izuku mumbled back, just letting the blond lead him through the halls of the dorm building and all the way to their classroom, where his anxiety caught up.

His stomach churned and knotted as he started to panic. He had never been late before and wasn't sure how mad his homeroom teacher would be at him for it. Kaminari, noticing this, squeezed his hand once, before opening the door.

Everyone in the room froze, except for Kirishima, Mina, and Bakugou, who already knew about their 'relationship'. Uraraka had hoped it had been a bad dream. The sight in front of her clearly proved otherwise.

"Sorry we're late Mr. Aizawa. We were up late doing the math homework and accidentally fell asleep." Kaminari lied smoothly, still holding onto Izuku's hand tightly.

"Whatever, just don't let it happen again." Their teacher said tiredly before doing back to his lesson.

"No promises." Kaminari whispered to Izuku, causing him to playfully roll his eyes. It would definitely be the last time for the green haired boy, the blond, not so much.

Kaminari saw the glare he was receiving from Todoroki. It annoyed him. Izuku was never his in the first place, what gives him the right to be mad now that he's in a relationship? Kaminari wasn't sure, but he knew he was going to have a whole lot of fun pissing off a majority of his class.

He leaned down and gave Izuku a light peck on the cheek. Izuku was able to control his blush, at least a little, turning only a light shade of pink, before the two separated to go to their own seats.

Izuku stopped on his way, sniffing the air, as some of the other students did to. "What's burning?" Izuku asked.

The rest of the class started to wonder that to. Until Izuku looked to the back of the room and discovered the source of the smell. "Todoroki, are you okay?" He asked, noticing the steam coming off of the boy's left side. He was worried his uniform would ignite.

"I'm fine." He said through gritted teeth.

"But you-" Izuku started, but was cut off by his childhood friend.

"He's pissed off that you'd rather fuck Pikachu than him. You're so dense, Deku." Bakugou said, rolling his eyes at the clueless boy.

Izuku's eyes widened and he promptly turned around in his chair so he was facing the front. He was to embarrassed to even respond to Bakugou, or Todoroki for that matter. Izuku knew that the heterochromatic boy would be upset, but he didn't think he'd be ready to burst into flames.

A bit dramatic really.

Throughout the rest of the day, the few hours they were actually in class, Izuku and Kaminari would exchange looks and silent jokes across the room. Mainly Kaminari starting it, but Izuku would always acknowledge him. To a few of their classmates, it was cute. To a majority, it was jealousy inducing. To Bakugou it was just annoying.

When the end of the day came, the class rushed to leave, all of them hating that the weekend had ended so quickly. Kaminari walked over to Izuku, not wanting to leave him alone now that all their classmates knew they were 'together'. A lot of them were jealous, and jealousy can turn really ugly, really fast.

He wasn't about to let something happen to the small, green haired, boy.

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