Chapter 19

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"Huh? Denki?" Izuku asked, still half asleep.

"Yeah, bunny. It's me. We really need to talk. I-is it okay if we do that?" He asked nervously, worried the boy wouldn't even want to talk to him anymore.

"Mm, but I'm warm." He mumbled, clearly not awake yet.

Kaminari would have been in awe at his cuteness, if he wasn't cuddling up to Todoroki.

"C'mere baby, how about you sleep in an actual bed? I promise it'll be even warmer." Kaminari suggested, putting one hand on Izuku's back and holding the other out to him.

He nodded, his eyes still closed, and let Kaminari pick him up. He carried him back to Izuku's dorm, thinking he might be even more upset if he woke up in Kaminari's. He placed him on his bed and tucked him into the covers, he did after all, promise it would be warm.

He turned to leave, wanting him to get some much needed sleep. They could talk when he woke up. Before he could even fully turn around, a small hand reached out and grabbed his wrist, causing him to look back at the dead tired boy.

"No, Denki stay..." He mumbled, pulling him closer.

"Just get some sleep bunny, I'll be back once you wake up." He explained, pushing his hair back from his forehead as he spoke.

"No, stay please." He said, gripping his wrist tighter. "Don't leave me again..."

If you were wonder how to pull at Denki Kaminari's heart strings, that right there. There, just above this paragraph. Yeah that. That was how.

He couldn't just walk out now. He had been sucked in, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't happy about it. He laid down next to his fake boyfriend, pulling him close to his chest. He hadn't even realized how much he missed that. Just being able to hold him.

"I love you." Izuku mumbled, starting to fall back asleep. Believe it or not, he had been pretty conscious one Kaminari started to carry him.

"I love you too bunny."

That. That right there. Yup, just above this. It was able to wake Izuku Midoriya up at a record time.

He sat bolt up right, scaring the living daylights out of Kaminari. "What did you just say?!" He asked him, staring straight in front of him, not daring to look at the boy he loved.

Kaminari's eyes were wide and his heart was beating a million miles a minute. He wasn't sure if it was from the jump scare Izuku had just pulled off, or the topic of their current conversation.

He gathered up all the courage he had left, which believe me, wasn't a lot.

But it was enough.

"I-I said I love you."

Izuku's heart stopped. He snapped his head to make eye contact. He was surprised he didn't get whiplash.

"Wh- do you mean that?" He asked, his breath hitching.

"Do you think I would say it if I didn't mean it?" Kaminari asked back.

Izuku jumped into Kaminari's lap and wrapped his arms around his neck. The slightly taller male laughed at his actions. "God I missed you bunny." He mumbled into his wild, green hair.

"I missed you to." Izuku breathed out. "Promise me. Promise me you won't leave again." Izuku said, pulling away. He needed to be certain he wasn't just setting himself up for more pain.

"I promise."

"Pinky?" He asked, sticking his pinky out, not caring how childish it might seem.

"Pinky." Kaminari said with a soft smile, connecting their pinkies. "Am I allowed to kiss you know?"


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