Chapter 8

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"Hey Midoriya, can I talk to you really quick?" Todoroki asked, walking up to the green haired boy after the last bell.

Todoroki had spent the last few days beating himself up over the fact he failed to court Midoriya. He had to deal with seeing the lovey dovey teens in class everyday that week. He felt sick to his stomach nearly twenty four seven. He had to do something.

"Oh, um, sure. Just let me tell Denki." Izuku said, placing his last book in his bag and looking for his 'boyfriend'.

Over the course of the first week of their little arrangement, the two had gotten quite close. They were always seen cuddling or holding hands around the school halls and the common room. When ever you couldn't find one, the odds were that they were both in one of their dorms, playing video games, watching Netflix, or doing homework. They were totally only friends though. They just did all that romantic stuff for the rouse.


Kaminari was talking with Kirishima and Bakugou a few feet away. More like Kaminari was talking to Kirishima and Bakugou was just holding onto his own boyfriend, tuning both of them out.

When Izuku got to them, he tugged on Kaminari's sleeve, gaining his attention easily. "What's up bunny?" He asked. The nickname had stuck and Kaminari rarely called him anything else now. Everyone in class, including Aizawa, had gotten used to it. Kind of like how everyone just accepted that Izuku called Bakugou, Kacchan. It was strange at first, but now that's just who he was.

"Um, Todoroki wants to talk to me, so you can head back to the dorms without me." He said nervously.

All three of the boys standing there, even Bakugou, could tell that Izuku clearly wasn't fond of the idea, being alone with Todoroki and all.

"Hey, you know you don't have to if you don't want to, right? You don't have to feel obligated to talk to him, just because he asks." Kaminari said gently.

Over the course of the week, in between their video games and anime, the two boys had also done a great deal of talking. Todoroki and Uraraka had come up more times than Kaminari was happy with. The two of them were insistant with their attempts to get with Izuku. Todoroki was the most concerning of the two. He hadn't done anything too bad yet, but he'd gotten too close for comfort. Let's just say, Kaminari didn't leave the locker rooms until Izuku was also ready to leave.

"I-I'm just gonna hear what he has to say. It's probably just a question on the homework or something." Izuku said, trying to convince himself more than his fake boyfriend.

"Bull shit Deku, when was the last time he asked anyone for homework help?" Bakugou spoke up, moving his head off of his boyfriend's shoulder a little bit.

Something else that had changed over the week, Izuku's relationship with Kirishima and Bakugou. Seeing as Kaminari was such good friends with them, and they were also the only other couple in their class, they had been hang out and talking a lot more than usual. It wasn't that big of a shock with Kirishima. He was just a happy, easy going, guy that would want to spend time with the person his best friend was dating, regardless. Bakugou on the other hand, that surprised all of them, even Kirishima. No one really knew what happened, but suddenly he was treating Izuku like he was just another person in the Bakusquad. It was strange, but no one was complaining. It was a nice change of pace.

"Kat's got a point Midoriya, are you sure this is a good idea?" Kirishima asked him, worried about his new friend's safety.

"I'll be fine guys." Izuku said, a little more confident now.

Kaminari smiled at him. He liked when he stood up for himself and spoke out. It was insanely attractive to him.

"Okay, bunny. Do you want me to stay behind? I can wait in the hallway for you." Kaminari offered. He liked Izuku confident, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to worry for the boy either way.

"Please?" Izuku asked, relieved that he wouldn't be completely alone with Todoroki. He wasn't exactly fond of the other boy at this point. He'd been pushing his luck the last few years, and he was walking a fine line between being pushy and assaulting him.

"Of course bunny. Shout if you need me." Kaminari said, placing a soft kiss on his forehead before walking out of the room with Kirishima and Bakgou.

"Dude, seeing you in a relationship is so weird. When did you suddenly become all mature and stuff?" Kirishima asked his yellow haired friend.

Kaminari just shrugged. "I have no clue. I didn't even know I count as mature. I'm just trying to be a good boyfriend." He explained.

Of course he had actually been mature the whole time, but he had been given the class clown persona and he had to play it to a T. There wasn't room for mistakes. Over the years, he had gotten so used to, it was hard to tell when the persona ended and he began.

"Awe! Kat look at him! They just grow up so fast." Kirishima cooed, pinching Kaminari's cheeks.

Kaminari laughed as he swatted at the red head's hand. "Whatever mom." He said with a playful eye roll at two of his best friends.

He hated lying to them.

You'd think after three years he'd be used to it by now.

"Do you want us to wait with you?" Kirishima asked, sending a now concerned look at his bestfriend.

"Nah, I can handle daddy issues in there." Kaminari said, nodding his head in the direction of the classroom.

Kirishima covered his mouth with a hand, trying to stifle his amusement, but Bakugou didn't even try. "Fuck dunce face, why have I not thought of that?" The explosive blonde ask, in between chuckles.

"No idea bro." He said with a smile and a shrug.

"Well I'm definitely gonna use it now." He said, pulling his boyfriend down he hall, throwing a small wave back to Kaminari.

"Bye dude!" Kirishima called over his shoulder. Kaminari just waved in response.

Now to wait.

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