Chapter 3

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They continued asking questions back and forth, until they started to run out. Kaminari suggested a new spin. "How about we just ask questions relevant to our relationship. Like, where was our first date?" He asked Izuku.

The other boy thought for a second. "How about the arcade? I feel like that's something we'd both do." He suggested.

Kaminari nodded in agreement. "The arcade it is."

"Where was our first kiss?" Izuku asked him, curious to see what Kaminari would come up with.

He didn't even need time to think before answering. "Easy, it was in front of your dorm room after our first date. I walked you back to our room after, because I'm a gentleman like that." He shot a teasing wink at Izuku, causing him to laugh. "Then after we both said goodnight, neither of us moved, we just kept staring into each other's eyes. We both slowly leaned in until out lips touched. It wasn't fast or rough, the only word to really describe it would be sweet. Then we pulled away and we said good night again, for real that time. Then I watched you disappear into your dorm. Once you were gone I leaned against leaned against the door frame and thought 'how could I be so lucky?'. And that my friend, is our first kiss story." He said triumphantly.

Izuku was in total shock. The way Kaminari had described everything- thought everything through- just everything... it made him disappointed that it hadn't actually happened.

He shook his head, ridding himself of those thoughts. "Wow, that was... thought out." Izuku commented, not sure what else to say.

"You need details to make a lie believable. Even the most outrageous of lies becomes believable with enough details." Kaminari said back with a shrug, pretending he wasn't upset with how little of a reaction he got out of Izuku.

"Noted." Izuku said, still not able to make eye contact with the other boy. His words were still ringing through his head, and it was messing with him a little bit. He'd never admit it though.

"Who said 'I love you' first?" Kaminari asked, deciding to just keep the game going. He was afraid he had made Izuku uncomfortable, so he tried to distract him with another question.

"Oh, that'd be me." Izuku said confidently. Kaminari sent him an amused look, not believing for a second that the green haired boy would have the courage to say it first. "Well not intentionally." He clarified. "We were cuddling while watching movies, I was nearly asleep, just barely holding onto consciousness. You noticed and gently rested my head against your chest so that I could fall asleep. I smiled softly and whispered it, not even realizing that I said it out loud. But before I could freak out, you said it back, making my heart beat a million times a minute." He finished, his face beat red. He did the same thing that Kaminari did, treating it as a memory and not a 'what if' scenario.

There was silence between the two for a few seconds, before Kaminari broke it. "Fuck, that was adorable." He said out loud, not meaning to. Izuku turned an even darker shade of red, but Kaminari tried to play it off and actually succeeded. "Like I said earlier, you're just to easy to make flustered." He said with an amused look on his face, hiding his panic.

Izuku bought it and pouted again. "You're mean." He said with a huff.

"Awe, c'mon Izu, don't be like that." Kaminari teased.

The other boy turned his head to look at him. "Izu?" He asked innocently.

Kaminari nearly got a nosebleed. 'He's gonna be the death of me.' he thought to himself.

"We're supposed to be dating, we have to have nicknames." Kaminari pointed out. He secretly just wanted to have another thing he could rub in Todoroki's face.

"Then I get to give you one, right?" The smaller boy asked in excitement. He really liked nicknames, clearly. Kaminari laughed slightly as he nodded in confirmation. "Hm, does Kami work for now?" He asked in a sweet tone.

"For now?" Kaminari asked with confusion in his voice.

"Just until I think of something better." Izuku said with a shrug. He knew he could do better than Kami, but it's all he could think of at that moment, so it would have to work as a place holder.

"Sure." Kaminari said with a shrug.

"Hey Kami?" Izuku asked a few second later.

Kaminari tried to ignore the way his heart sped up when he said the innocent nickname. "Yeah?" He answered in the most nonchalant tone he could muster.

"Can we go get food? That's kind of what I was doing before I was chased up here." Izuku explained, clearly embarrassed about the circumstances.

"Of course Izu." He said, standing up and offering a hand to the shorter boy. Izuku happily took it, not seeing it as anything but a friendly gesture, forgetting their arrangement, for just a second.

They took the elevator down and the butterflies caught up with the green haired boy. He was about to walk into the commons area, holding hands with Denki Kaminari. They were going to tell everyone they were dating. Should he be this nervous?

The doors opened and they stepped off, Izuku more hesitant. Kaminari could clearly tell the boy was a little worried, so he squeezed his hand and gently pulled him along, leading him to the kitchen. A few people had noticed them and were sending each of them questioning looks.

Kirishima and Mina had been talking in the kitchen when the two teens walked in. They abruptly stopped their conversation as they noticed their hands were intertwined. Mina hopped off of her spot on the counter and walked over to them. Kaminari had grabbed Izuku an apple, after the boy had asked for one.

"When did this happen?" Mina asked them both, just a little hurt that one of her best friends was in a relationship and hadn't told her. She couldn't careless that he was gay, half their class was for crying out loud!

"O-oh, hi Mina." Izuku said nervously. Mina's face softened at the sight of the clearly anxious boy.

"Awhile. I would have told you before, but Izu was worried about telling the class, so we kept it secret." Kaminari jumped in, lying so easily to his friend that it worried Izuku.

Mina bought it instantly though. "Oh my gosh you call him Izu? That's so cute!" She squealed, starting to fan girl over the two. Izuku smiled slightly at her, less anxious because of her reaction. "You need to tell me everything! Who made the first move?" She asked them expectantly.

Izuku started to panic again. They hadn't gone over this part, he got side tracked by the other questions and then his need for food. He looked at Kaminari, hoping the other boy would be able to lie just as smoothly as before.

And he could.

"Me. Can you imagine Izu hitting on someone?" He joked, wrapping an arm around Izuku, hoping to calm him down a little. He could easily tell he was panicked because of the question.

"Um, can someone please tell me what's going on?"

Well let the true test begin.

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