Chapter 15

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Mina had a plan. Even she had to admit, it wasn't a very good one, but it was all she had.

When someone's refusing to acknowledge their feelings for someone else, sometimes you just need to make them so jealous, they can't keep ignoring it.

Before letting herself go to bed that night, she ran all around the boys levels of the dorms. She knocked on Kirishima's door, knowing that both he and Bakugou were in there. She felt a little bad about waking them up at three in the morning, but she knew Kirishima wouldn't care once he found out what she needed.

"What the fuck do you want?" Bakugou was the one to open the door. He was wearing a black tank top and black sweat pants, and he did not look happy.

"I need to talk to Kiri!" She said in a rushed voice. She had a lot to get done in three hours.

"He's fucking sleeping, like you should be. Go to bed. Talk to him in the morning." He growled at her.

"First off, it is the morning, and second, it's an emergency! I have a lot to do before everyone else wakes up. Please Bakugou, it's about Midoriya and Denki." She said, hoping that he'd soften up at the mention of the 'couple'. They had all been hanging out a lot since they had first announced they were dating, and Bakugou had warmed up to Midoriya quiet a lot since then.

He groaned, knowing that there wasn't anything he could do to get her to leave. He let her in, but only because of that. It's not like he cared about Kaminari or Izuku. Why would anyone even think that?

"Kiri! Wake you ass up! You're best friend's being an ass and I need your help!" She shouted, jumping on top of the sleeping red head. Bakugou flipped on the light, watching with slight amusment. Sure he loved him, but he was still Bakugou. That shit was funny no matter who it was.

"Wha- Mina?! What the hell are you doing here?" He asked, sitting up as the pink girl got off him.

"It's a really long story, but I need your help." She said.


She took a deep breath before explaining what had happened. Even telling them both about the fake relationship. Bakugou watched with vague interest, pretending not to care to much. Kirishima on the other hand was listening intently.

"So what's your plan?" He asked her, once she had finished her story. He knew she had a plan, and he knew it'd work. It was Mina for crying out loud, the girl was basically cupid reincarnated.

"It's a terrible plan," she started, being honest. "But it involves Todoroki." She said, cringing as Bakugou shot straight up.

"No way in hell!" He said.

Kirishima placed a hand on his boyfriend's arm, trying to calm him down. "Mina that's a terrible idea." He agreed.

"I know that! But, I think it'll work." She said.

"No. No fucking way. Icyhot's staying the fuck away from Deku." Bakugou continued to fight. Not because he liked or cared about Izuku, he just hated Todoroki. Obviously.

"Why? What's the big deal? We just need him to make Denki jealous." Mina pointed out. She had no clue about what had happened between Izuku and Todoroki a few days prior, so she didn't see what the problem was.

"Todoroki seems to have a problem... keeping his hands to himself." Kirishima said, trying to put the information as delicate as possible.

"What?!" Mina asked, immediately fearing the worst.

"Calm down. He hasn't actually done anything. He just likes to get in Deku's personal space and has a fucking problem taking 'no' for an answer." Bakugou said with a huff, crossing his arms in annoyance. He really hated Todoroki.

"I know this is going to sound terrible, but what if we use that to our advantage?" Mina suggested, cringing while talking, knowing she was about to get her ass kicked.

"Get the fuck out." Bakugou sneered.


"No! That's fucking sick! No, not happening." He said with a tone of finality.

"Just hear me out! We wouldn't let them ever be alone together or anything! One of us would always be in the room with them. It doesn't even have to last longer than today. I just... I think this'll work." Mina explained.


"Bakugou, please-"


"Ugh, why are you so difficult all the time?" Mina whined.

"Because I like how annoyed people get." He said.

"Fuck you."

"I'm too gay for that, but thanks for the offer."

"I'm leaving!" She shouted.

"Good. And I swear to god if you're going to Icyhot's room!" Bakugou shouted as she rushed out. He groaned, knowing that was exactly what she was doing.

Mina had a plan and she was sticking with it. Even if her friends didn't think it was a good idea, she knew it would work and she be damned if she didn't try.

She made it to Todoroki's room, fairly quick. After knocking, she waited for him to answer. He opened his door a few seconds later, squiting at the hallway lights. "Mina? What'd you need at," he paused to check the time. "Three thirty in the morning?"

"Well you see, Midoriya and Kaminari broke up and he's taking it really hard. He didn't do any laundry over the weekend and doesn't have a clean uniform to wear tomorrow, so do you think he could borrow one of yours?" She asked, making sure he understood that Izuku was single again. She didn't miss how he perked up at that tid bit of information.

"Oh um, yeah, but he's a lot smaller than me, he'll drown in my stuff." He said, opening his door and letting her in. He flipped on his light and went to his closet. Rummaging through it, he found everything Izuku would need, besides a pair of pants.

"I don't have an extra pants at the moment, but he can use this stuff." He said, handing the stack of clothes to Mina.

She smiled at him. "That's okay, I'm sure he kind find something. Thanks Todoroki, see you tomorrow!" She called over her shoulder as she left.

She made her way back up to her own dorm. She set the extra clothes down on her desk and then crawled into bed, finally exhausted and ready to sleep.

Tomorrow, phase two would begin.

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