I know ~Tate Langdon~

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I just moved to LA to get away from my parents and found the perfect house to live in. The infamous murder house.  I don't get why people are so scared of this house, it's just full of trapped souls. 

I've already made friends with the previous owners, the Harmon's mostly Violet since we were similar ages only a year apart. 

I was in the front room trying to perfect my dance that I have to do in a up-coming competition. After a lot of grumbles and fights with the internet I finally got up the song and warmed up before doing the routine for the tenth time.

(this is the dance, skip to 0:57  if you just want to see the dance)

While I was dancing I had tears falling down my face. This dance reminded me of my sister who was only fifthteen when she committed suicide due to bullying and the abuse we would both get from our parents. That's why I left. 

"cool dance" a voice said from behind me. I jumped before saying "how much did you see" "all of it" he whispered rubbing the back of his neck. Once I realised who it was I was a bit hesitant, it was Tate and Violet had warned me about him.   "I'm Tate" "y/n I know who you are by the way" I replied turning around and unplugging my phone from the stereo.  Tate's face dropped "Violet told me everything you did" I continued. I looked at Tate and saw the smile that was once there had gone "It was in the past Tate people change" I smiled walking up to the boy ruffling his hair. "So you'll still talk to me" he asked "yup" I replied leading him up to my room. "You like Nirvana" Tate beamed as he looked through my CDs and records "of course Nirvana had Kurt Cobain so what can I say" I laughed before jumping off my bed and joining  Tate at my CD collection. I grabbed the CD out of his hand and put it in my stereo before grabbing Tate and forcing him to slow dance with me.  

Little did we know Violet was stood in the doorway watching and she looked pissed. 

Evan peters x reader imagines and one shots.Where stories live. Discover now