She's mine? ~Evan Peters~

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"Amily stop eating the sprinkles" y/n laughed as she put the sprinkles on a shelf out of her daughter's reach. "If your gonna help put a song on YouTube" she instructed her daughter. She wouldn't normally bring Amily to work but the sun is shining and the baby sitter never takes her out even if it was on the list of things to do. Y/n smiled while she made coffee's, milkshakes and ice cream for the never ending beach goers. Amily hopped off her stool and ran to the door to go outside "Amily get away from that door" y/n hissed. But like normal Amily didn't listen instead she proceeded to open the door only for someone on the other side to push it resulting in Amily getting a thump to the face and tears to fall down her cheeks. "Amily" her mother shouted as she ran up to her crying daughter. She picked her up and began shushing her and rubbed her back to calm her down. The perpetrator of the act against her daughter walked into the shop causing y/n to walk back to her station and saying "a sorry would of been nice for hurting my daughter" "I apologise for hurting your daughter I didn't realise she was behind the door" the perpetrator replied "well look next time you imbecile" y/n hissed as she gave her daughter a caramel ice cream. Free of charge of course. She looked up and saw a blonde man stood in front of her, he hadn't looked up yet so she couldn't quite see his face but she was sure it was the same person she met six years prior. "Evan?" she asked "hmm" he replied "do I know you?" he asked his face twisted in confusion. "It's me y/n" she replied hiding her daughter behind her.  "how long has it been" he asked trying to look at Amily who was peeping from behind her mother. 

"Six years" I replied pushing my daughter even further behind me "and who is the other cutie" he asked "I'm Amily, I'm six" she chuckled. If only she knew the man she just spoke to was her father. "Amily a woman never reveals her age" I remarked picking up the child and putting her on my hip, her curly brown locks bouncing as gravity pulled them towards the ground, her brown eyes shining. "I look like you" she laughed pointing at Evan's nose "you can't look like a nose" he laughed not realising what she was saying and thank the lord he didn't. "Wait why does she look like me" he asked "Amily go play outside" I smiled putting my daughter on the floor before patting her on the back gesturing her to do as she was told. "Well six years ago you asked me on a date after we worked together and was talking for months I came over your house and one thing led to another and she happened" I explained looking at the floor out of embarrasement.  "So she's mine?" he asked "yeah" I replied "that's why she looks like you and acts exactly like you" I remarked attempting to hurt his feelings "guess I'm staying around" 

Evan peters x reader imagines and one shots.Where stories live. Discover now