Stalker much ~James March~

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"Here please" I said to the taxi driver knowing he was going to take me to a unknown area and kill me. I do it as a job so I know when someone is going to try and do it to me. He stopped before grumbling so I got out of the car and didn't pay him. "Say something about me behind my back and I won't pay you" I smirked before walking into the Hotel Cortez. Haven't been here in a while. Not since I was a little girl when I first killed someone and blamed it on my sister Grace. I walked up to the check in desk and pressed a bell. The woman huffed before giving me a key. I looked at the label and it read 'Room 64'. I had to save my energy for later so I took the elevator to get to the floor I needed. 

When I got to my room my suitcase was already inside. How someone managed to bring up here even if they used the elevator for most of it is beyond me. I opened it and saw my collection of weapons that went from kitchen knifes to the most expensive gun in the world. I got it for free. Kill the original owner then you get it for free piece of cake. I jumped on the bed before going on my phone. I hummed to myself before going onto a random dating app on my phone to find my next victim. What its the easiest way to find one. David fuller "No", Kaleb Xavier "No", James Reynolds "no". This went on for what feels like hours then the perfect person came up.  Luke Chesnutt.  I smirked before requesting to meet up and like a dumb fool he agreed. The arranged time was six giving me an hour to get ready. I didn't bother doing much just curling my hair which took me ten minutes. I spent the next forty minutes choosing my weapon. Yes it takes me that long. Don't judge, you would too if you had the same size collection as me. In the end I just went with my trusty kitchen knife which was sharpened ten times more then it needed to be. I put it under the pillow before taking the elevator back to the lobby. Surprising to me he was already there. I smirked before grabbing his hand and leading him to the elevator. Once the metal doors began to close I let my plan begin. I began make out with him as he did the same and by the time we got to the level that my room was on, we was ready to take it to the next level. 

We stopped making out while I pushed the door open. I didn't want to waste any time so I didn't lock it before heading to meet 'Ryan'. I pushed him onto the bed before climbing on top of him. I leant down making him think I was about to begin kissing his neck but I was getting the knife under the pillow which he didn't feel was under him. I smirked before leaning up. "Bye Luke" I frowned before slitting his throat. His blood getting all over my body. 

"That was truly exhilarating" A voice from behind said their voice deep. I turned around to see a man who looked like he was living in the nineteen twenties. With a Sharpie moustache. "Who are you" I asked as I stood up off the bed "James March" he replied his eyes following my every move "more like a stalker but hey I don't judge".

Evan peters x reader imagines and one shots.Where stories live. Discover now