First Helloes ~Jimmy Darling

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My name is y/n Black and I am a freak of nature. I have the power of the Earth, I can control it, I can summon it and I can restore it. I live in Jupiter, no not the planet. The small town in Florida. I work at a diner there. The only difference is I'm not allowed to serve customers because of my freakish ability and my appearance tends to scare them. I look normal except for a green tribal print that covered the left side of my body but from the neck down.

For once the diner was busy which mean I was non stop baking and cooking in the kitchen. I was the only one there cause the owner of the diner aka my aunt didn't want me to scare the other workers let alone the customers. I preferred it when I was the only one here because that meant I could have the radio on and no one would be talking about me even though I was right in front of them. 

By the time the diner was finally closing it had just started to get dark. "Put the trash in the bin" my aunt hissed throwing the trash bags at me. I frowned before doing as she said.  Luckily the bins were next to the back door so I didn't have to go far. We also had plants out back which I watered every night without my aunt knowing cause other wise she would kill me. Tonight was no different. After I put the trash in the bins I went back inside to get the watering cans which I hid behind the freezer. I walked back outside humming to myself as I watered the plants. Each plant had its own name and would always whistle back to me after I watered it. This was honestly when I felt the happiest, When I was surrounded by plants. Once I finished watering the plants I went back inside to hide the watering cans yet again and get my stuff for the walk home. My aunt refused to let me in her car, she didn't want to be associated with me. I can't blame her to be honest. I went back outside for the millionth time that night when a group of men had started walking up to me. I was still wearing the diner uniform so they could see my markings. "The diners closed your gonna have to come back tomorrow" I said trying to stop from shaking due to the fact I was terrified.  "We're not here for food" one of them said "We're here for something else" another joined in. I gulped before turning around and trying to run away but one of them grabbed me and shoved me against a wall. "Let go of me" I screamed struggling. The man who grabbed me licked his lips before forcing his fingers where they shouldn't be. I started whimpering and begged for him to get off but he didn't listen instead two of his friends walked next to me and they held my arms down so I couldn't move. "Stop please" I begged as tears began falling down my face. He took his finger out of my lower region giving me a slither of hope but that was lost as soon as my knickers were pulled down unwillingly. I knew what was going to happen so I began wiggling again. "Stop it" the man hissed throwing one of his hands around my neck. I began seeing black spots in my vision when I felt something touch my lower region. I began whimpering even louder but yet again they wasn't listening.  I was about to close my eyes and give up when someone shouted "Get off her". The men let go of me and turned around. The second their fingers were no longer on my body I fell to the floor.  I didn't know what happened next but when I opened my eyes the men were gone, my knickers were pulled up and a stranger was knelt down next to me.  "You ok" "I'm ok considering thanks..." I started but didn't finish due to the fact I didn't know his name. "Jimmy, Jimmy Darling" he smiled helping me up. "Do you want me to take you home? y/n" he offered "your badge". I smiled realising I still had my badge on and said "I know this is strange but can I stay with you I don't feel safe" I looked at the floor embarrassed. Jimmy nodded before grabbing my hand and leading me away from the diner. "Thanks" I smiled.  I got behind Jimmy on his bike but before I could get comfortable he said "No" "to what" I asked confused on what he was saying no to. "You sitting behind me, sit in front of me so I can see you" he replied so I got off his bike again and sat in front of him. 

That was our first helloes and now its our turn to our first hello to our new family.  

Evan peters x reader imagines and one shots.Where stories live. Discover now