The first encounter ~Kai Anderson~

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In the year 1964 a woman called Lana Winter was raped by a employee of Briarcliff Asylum, a employee called Dr Oliver Threadson and nine months later she gave birth to a baby boy. My father aka Bloody face jr and after a one night stand another Bloody face was created but this time instead of a boy it was a girl and that girl... was me.  My father tried to follow in my grand father's footsteps but failed miserably so I decided to do the same but do it far better then my father did before me.  

I got rudely woken up by the sun shining in my room "Fuck off" I grumbled before remembering I was angry the other day so I ripped the curtains of the rails and still haven't put them back up. oops.   My phone began to ring "Morning Gladys" I said putting on my best fake voice. "Morning sweetheart can you go to the store and do my weekly shop before coming over please" she asked "of course see you then". I went into the bathroom and did the stereotypical morning routine; have a shower, do your skin care, brush your teeth and wash your face. Then I put on the first outfit that I found prepared in my wardrobe. The one above

I got in my car then drove to the store even though I knew there was no point. At this point I have Gladys's shopping list memorised. 





There is more but there is not point telling the world this as it's not important and neither is Gladys hence why she has to go. 

I parked my car before approaching the store and of course it was locked. I looked around and saw a note in the window 'On Holiday shut until further notice'. I took two bobby-pins out of my hair and began to pick lock the door. But unlike normal it didn't work. So I kicked the glass in the door and unlocked it from the inside. The owner of the store never puts the alarm on.  

I walked around the store and stole everything on the list and myself a few things before walking back to my car and drove to Gladys's house. By the time I got to her house it was dark which was perfect for me. I put bright red lipstick on my lips before walking inside Gladys's house and putting her shopping on the side. I couldn't hear her shuffling about so I walked around and looked for her. "Gladys" I called out. No reply. She's in her room. I walked into the room and saw her sleeping peacefully in her bed. I grabbed one of the pillows on the floor and put it over her face and slowly cut away her oxygen supply. "Night night" I whispered before she breathed for the last time. Then I began separating her skin from its body. "Well well well what do we have here?" a voice asked. I didn't turn around instead I grabbed the second knife and chucked it behind me.  "You killed one of my men" the voice said as a knife was heard as it pieced someone's skin. I ignored him and kissed Gladys before putting a flown crown made of black roses on her head "night night" I repeated before pushing my way through the crowd that had gathered in Gladys's bedroom. "A woman just died let her rest in piece" 

Evan peters x reader imagines and one shots.Where stories live. Discover now