How you met (All)

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Author note:

instead of writing e/c, h/c, s/c I'm going to be writing the  word in bold and you can change if it doesn't fit you. 


Evan Peters:

The most annoying thing about living in Los Angeles is it's so difficult to pay your rent and support your family. "The babysitter will be here soon okay Violet" I smiled as I rubbed my daughter's nose with my own. "Yes mummy" she replied. 

The babysitter finally arrived. "Sorry for being so late" she apologized "it's fine just next time don't be". I said goodbye to Violet before leaving for my job at some random open 24/7 café . It was the only place that would hire me with my lack of grades. The only bad thing about my job is all the pervy men I have to work with and serve. 

"Hello y/n" my boss Jackson Vale said as I walked through the doors. "hi Jackson" I replied walking into the female changing rooms to change into the uniform. 

"Y/n your on table one through seven today" he said once all the waiters had finally arrived. I have a five year old child yet I'm always the first one to arrive. 

The Café was booming with the noise of friends talking and couples on dates and youtubers vlogging when they don't need to be.  "Hello welcome to the Café Italiana what drink would you like to order." was repeated over and over again. "Coke", "vodka", "lemonade", "Tequila", "coffee". Replies with no thankyous was a normal thing.  The endless ache of having to work some where the treating of women was completely different to the treating of men.

I was wiping a table when a man I have never seen before entered the café he had brown hair that looked like it was in a natural mess. Tonight I don't have the honour of serving him instead it was Regina who gets to serve him. 

"Hello and Welcome to Café Italiana what drink would you like" I asked putting on a fake smile. "You in bed" the man replied looking at my breast "my eyes are up here and we don't serve that here" "Gin and Tonic". I walked away to make the perv his drink. "So how's he going" Regina asked as she started to make a drink next to me. Regina and I don't get along so I ignored her and walked back to the table where the perv was eagerly waiting. "Here is the menu and the gin and tonic" I said as I placed both on the table. "I'll give you time" I said before turning and walking away. I was about to take a step when I felt something uninvited on my ass. "Get your hands off me" I hissed "come on you enjoyed it" the man replied "my girlfriend told you to get your hands off her" the man from earlier said as he pushed me behind him. "She was asking for it". I felt a gush of wind before seeing the perv fall to the floor. "Get out" Jackson shouted suddenly appearing out of nowhere.  The man winked at me before walking out. 

"Hey" I shouted seeing the man walking down the street. He turned around before smiling and saying "sorry for that no woman deserves to be treated like that" he replied kissing my hand. I felt my cheeks turn red. "thanks..." "Evan" "y/n".

Kai Anderson:

"Kitty Do I have to go the carnival" I asked my sister who's been begging me to take her to the carnival even though she in her late twenties and still refuses to act like a grown adult. "Fine but next time your death will be the next one on the world wide web" I hissed as I through myself out of bed and into my wardrobe. 


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