Dance with me ~Kit Walker~

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Driving down an old country lane on Friday night in the pitch black is a load of fun especially if your a female in the 1960s. I was humming along to the random song on the radio when my car began to beep "fuel running low".  "Fuck" I hissed. I turned the head lights brighter and saw a garage "Thank the lord" I praised driving into the joint.

But it being my luck a brunette was locking up. I parked my car before opening the door and running over to the brunette. "Excuse me" I whispered shivering as I tapped the stranger on the shoulder. "we're shutting up" he replied turning to face me "please my car" I begged "I couldn't say no to someone like you" he smirked "thanks Kit" I smiled "how do you know my name" he asked as he walked towards my car "your name tag" I laughed. He filled up my car then I got inside it and started it up. The car roared before spluttering. "For fucks sake" I huffed as I hit my head against the steering wheel. 

Sleep was nearly in my grasp when there was a knock at my car window. "Your car not starting" Kit asked. "no it isn't" I replied getting out the car once again.  He opened the garage then began pushing my car into the building "do you want help" I asked "no I can do it" he replied. 

I stood still awkwardly and stared at the stars. "You can come inside you know" he laughed "sorry" I blushed following Kit inside. I sat at the desk and watched him work. "You never told me your name" he said his voice muffled by the metal of the engine. "y/n" "cute name for a cute girl" "thanks" I blushed as I took a cigarette out of my pocket. "Can I smoke in here" I asked "only if you give me one" he spoke. I took another cigarette out of my pocket and offered it to him.  He laughed before showing me his oily hands "sorry I forgot" I laughed before putting it in his mouth and lighting it. "Thanks" he mumbled.  

I hummed along to the radio as Kit worked not paying attention to anything that was happening around me. I didn't notice Kit had finished fixing my car and was stood watching me. I didn't notice there was a storm outside. "You look cute like that" he said attempting to flirt "like what" I said coming back from La La land. "You look cute when your in your own little world" he replied as he washed his hands in a nearby sink. 

"I can't drive in that" I complained. Why was everything falling apart? "Then stay here I can't go home in that either so you won't be alone" Kit suggested. I thought about it for a couple of minutes before agreeing to his idea. 

We were talking until Love me tender by Elvis Presley began playing on the radio. "This is my favourite song dance with me" I said excitedly as I jumped up from the desk and began slow dancing with myself. "Come on Kit please" I begged. Kit finally stood up and grabbed my hands and slow danced till the song ended.

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