I was waiting for you not Zoe ~Kyle Spencer~

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Hey Haruka here, 

If you want me to do a specific imagine/ one shot comment your idea and I will write it as quick as I can. Anyway on with the one-shot.


I came to Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies three years ago cause I accidently burnt someone alive. Oops. In my defence they came at me with a knife. I could already control my powers so Cordelia offered me a place here as long I taught a class at least once a week. The rest of the week I was a butler along side Kyle. He was forced to work just because Zoe whined about him being dead and then once she became part of the council she completely ignored him.  What a prick. 

One of the newbies pushed her plate off the table "oops my mistake". I walked over to the bitch at the table "Kyle go upstairs" I frowned tapping him on the shoulder. He shook his head but stood in the corner of the room knowing what I was about to do. "You might want to mind your manners" I smiled "or what" she spat. "This" I smirked before throwing her across the room then burning her to the point where she'll be in pain for weeks but not dead. 

"if any of you bitches want to treat Kyle like shit you will in for far worse then what happened today got it" I hissed. Madison Jr decided she wanted another round so I picked up a fork and stabbed it into my hand causing her hand to bleed. I walked over to her before using a finger to make her look at me before whispering loud enough for only her to hear "next time it'll be your neck". 

I was reading a book on my window seat when Kyle walked into my room and sat on the bed. "Y/n" he called out forgetting I like to hang out on my window seat behind the curtains. I chuckled before replying "behind the curtains" Kyle walked over and sat opposite me and took the book out of my hand "I was reading that" I moaned "I need to ask you something" "I'm listening" I said intrigued to what he had to say. "Why did you stick up for me down there" he asked looking at me with those brown eyes. "Your my colleague" I replied not telling him the whole truth. He raised his eyebrow before putting his hand against mine "the whole reason" he pushed. "I like you okay, I like how your kind to everyone even if they don't deserve it, I like how your still waiting for Zoe even though she ignores you, I like how you can look at me and I'm instantly happy, I like how..." Before I could finish he stood up and pressed his lips against my own "I was waiting for you not Zoe"

Evan peters x reader imagines and one shots.Where stories live. Discover now