His personal baker ~Edward Mott~

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The year is not important as time is always changing. However the person I work for is, I work for a man called Edward Mott the current owner of The Shaker Mansion, North Carolina. I am  the main baker here. 

I was busy kneading bread in the kitchen when I heard the shatter of glass coming from the rooms above me. He's in a bad mood again.  I ignored it knowing if I went up there I would wish I didn't. I began to hum to zone out the noises upstairs that was until everything went so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. "Shit" I hissed. Just I began separating the dough into smaller piles each one a perfect loaf.  "you should not waste your tongue on things so foul" a voice I instantly knew as Edward. "I apologize" I replied as I placed the pieces of dough onto trays then into the oven. "You ok sire" I asked as I began to work on another set of dough. "my favourite painting ruined cause of one stupid maid" he shouted slamming his fists on the table making me jump even though I was used to Edward's temper.  "Sir I'm deeply sorry for the loss of your painting I can paint one after I've done with this" I offered referring to the empty kitchen. "Bread can wait" he said his voice a tiny bit calmer. He grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs. "I'm guessing you want it done straight away sire" I asked as I got dragged into his room of paintings and other art pieces. "What did I tell you about calling me sire" he shouted as he raised him arm as if to hit me.  I closed my eyes and froze thinking back to before I worked here. "I'm sorry" he apologized before lowering his arm "It's fine si... Edward" I said before pushing him onto the sofa. 

I grabbed a pencil and began to draw the outline that's all I needed Edward for. I was busy in my own world dreaming of the future while painting Edward that I didn't notice him stand up and walk behind me before wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck. "stop it other wise the painting would be ruined" I complained even though I didn't want him to stop. "How long" he asked as he moved his hands further down. "Stop it at least till I finish the painting"  I said whimpering under his touch. Edward breathed on my neck before removing his wrapping hands around my waist once more. "Your my personal baker you have to do as I say" he hissed. "I'm nearly finished" I said using my hair bandana to cover his eyes. I led him to the sofa once again before putting his painting on the chair opposite him. "Tada"  I said proud of the fact I painted a picture of someone after five years of not doing so. I took the bandana off his face and waited for his reaction. I sat next to him and waited.  He didn't say anything instead he pulled me towards him causing our lips to collide.

Hey Haruka here,

Sorry for the crappy one shot I haven't seen this season yet so I don't know what this character is like it is just based on fanfics I've read but I will be on this season soon and the one shots will be better I promise. Don't forget you can comment if you want me to do a specific imagine/one shot. Also check out my original stories mainly the one I'm working on at the moment called F***ing the mentor.

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