New dad on the block ~Jimmy Darling~

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Jimmy was busy rehearsing for the next show with Elsa. This doesn't normally happen but I need someone to distract Jimmy while Ethel helped me sort out how I was going to tell Jimmy. "Ethel what if he doesn't want it?" "What if he'll leave me?" "What if he wants to run off with Maggie?" "y/n stop" Ethel shouted "If he didn't love you the act wouldn't of happened and he wouldn't of proposed". I hate to admit it but it made me feel better but I still felt thought Jimmy would leave me. Ethel ran to her window and saw Jimmy approaching. "I'm going to distract Jimmy go the main tent Elsa will be there" Ethel whispered before running out of her trailer to distract her son. Once they was far enough away so then I wouldn't get caught by the pair as I ran to the main tent. "Ma do you know why y/n's avoiding me" he asked sadness evident in his voice "she's not avoiding you she's been busy running around with Ma Petite" she replied. Thank you Ethel.  

I ran to the main tent and saw Elsa walking on the stage one side to the other repeatedly. "Elsa" I called out trying to get her attention. "Ah my little salamander" she replied looking at me with a smile across her face. She always smiled when she saw me, perks of being able to control fire and being her daughter. "So how do plan to tell him" she asked. I was about to tell her then I heard footsteps so I whispered the plan to her before running off. Luckily it wasn't Jimmy  just Dot and Bette asking Elsa about their next performance. Once the two of them finally left I sat on the stage and waited for Jimmy to join me. 

"Hi Doll" Jimmy frowned as he sat next to me on the stage. "babe what's wrong" I asked as I climbed onto his lap. He pushed me off before replying "why were you avoiding me". I feel so bad now. "I was playing hide and seek with Ma Petite you know how good she is" I lied. I hate lying to him it makes my stomach turn. "Babe what would you call your child if you ever had one" I asked "probably Tate or Nora" he replied. He is so oblivious. "How would you feel if there was a mini Jimmy Darling running around" I asked. He thought about it for a few minutes before he realised. Jimmy jumped off the stage and stood in front of me. "we're having a baby" he whimpered. I smiled and nodded. He lifted me up and spun me around before laughing and kissing me on the lips. I rested my head on his as everyone jumped out from their hiding spots and shouted "congratulations".

~nine months later~

Jimmy wouldn't let me move. He wouldn't even let me get out of the bed we shared and make myself a cup on tea in the morning.  "Jimmy it's just a cup of tea it won't kill me" I laughed as Jimmy layed me back on the bed. 

I woke up and Jimmy wasn't next to me so I able to finally get out of bed. I stood up and felt something trickling down my leg and felt pain coming from my lower region. I walked outside with great difficulty. I grunted as I walked around the trailers  for Jimmy. Ethel ran up to me "what's wrong darling" she asked. "the baby's coming" I grunted she led me to her trailer then ran off to get Jimmy. "Doll" he called too scared to come into the caravan  "Jimmy" I whimpered before screaming. "She's got no chose but to give birth here" his mother replied.  Ethel turned to me before saying "You going to have to push okay". I nodded before grabbing Jimmy's hand and began pushing. "It hurts" I whimpered before screaming.  "Come on doll nearly there" he said trying to comfort me "one more push". I screamed before hearing a baby's cry. Ethel grabbed a knife and cut the ambilocal cord before passing the baby to me and saying "It's a boy".  "Jimmy what do you want to call it" I asked "Jimmy jr" he joked. "There's no way I'm naming my child Jimmy jr" I laughed "Hiya Tate I'm your Daddy and I love you very much". 

We washed the baby and myself before going back to our trailer and spending the rest of the day as a family.  

I tucked Tate up in his cot before feeling arms wrap themselves around my waist "ready for round two" Jimmy asked kissing my neck "no chance wait till he's older" I laughed before leading Jimmy to bed.

"I love you" I said as I kissed his forehead "I love you too".

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