Prologue : Our Secret

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U.A. High School,
In the hallway,

Third Person's POV

The Big 3 walked down the hallway while chatting happily about their previous hero class. Sometime Mirio would make a joke that only himself understood while his two friends stayed quiet.

Sometime Tamaki would look down to the floor while low-key wishing they were already in the classroom since the anxious boy couldn't stand the unwanted stares they received.

And Nejire would unconsciously tease Tamaki about his shyness, telling him to be an adult and man up, or he would never get a girlfriend. This brought tears in the ravenette's eyes.

"Come on, Hado. Don't torture Tamaki like that. You know how he is like." Mirio tried to prevent Nejire from blurting out more sensitive topics in front of Tamaki, since this girl was too oblivious to realize it. Tamaki was already shaking violently, internally hoping he would collapse anywhere so he wouldn't suffer anymore.

"But, but, I'm telling the truth. I just want to help him." The bubbly girl defended herself. Her blonde-haired friend shook his head in defeat before shifting his gaze to his best friend.

"Oh, Senpai! It had been a while!" Another bubbly voice interrupted their conversation. The trio turned to look at the owner of the voice. In front of them stood still Ochako Uraraka and Izuku Midoriya, their underclassmen.

"Ara, Uraraka, Midoriya! What are you two doing here?" Nejire approached the two females. "We are on our way to the restroom!" The brunette answered enthusiastically,a happy grin plastered on her chubby face.

All of a sudden, Nejire lovingly hugged Izuku. The younger girl squeaked in embarrassment. "S-senpai. What is the matter?" She managed out, never expected a hug from her senior.

"Hmm, I don't know. I feel like I need to hug you because you look so precious, Midoriya!" Nejire exclaimed sincerely, tightening the hug. The greenette chuckled heartily and returned the hug.

Her emerald irises shifted to a certain golden-haired boy. Mirio noticed her stare, and immediately averted his gaze from meeting hers. Faint pink shades tinted on his handsome face. Tamaki watched his friend in complete confusion.

'Mirio is acting unusual again...' The shy boy thought strangely. He had been concerning about his friend a lot.

A small smile of amusment carved Izuku's freckles-covered face. Hearty chuckles slipped from her mouth. 'So cute. Wait- What am I thinking?! That's so inappropriate of me to think of him like that! Izuku you stupid!' Her face went ablazed at the embarrassing thoughts coming up into her mind.

Mirio mustered the courage to look at Izuku back. He murmured something under his breath, and in response, Izuku let out a low gaso of surprise.

Nejire eventually released Izuku from her firm hold. The curious female went to attack Ochako with a bear hug too.

Izuku noticed Tamaki was staring at her intently, as if he was observing her. She turned to look at him. "Um, Amajiki-senpai... Do you need me for something?" She started, breaking the awkward silence between them.

Tamaki shuddered when he heard her voice. He hastily looked away from her. 'She caught me staring at her! I just wanted to find out why Mirio blushed when he looked at Midoriya, but she noticed me! Now she will think of me as a creepy stalker or worse... Pervert...' He was at his limit to keep calm.

"A-anyway, we are in hurry right now! See you guys again, Senpai!" Izuku gripped Ochako's wrist and dragged her away from their seniors. She caught a last glimpse Mirio over her shoulder. The word he murmured just now played back in her mind.

"Cherry blossom park."


A few minutes later,
Cherry blossom park...

Izuku's POV

I ran toward the cherry blossom park in hurry, eager to see him.

My short conversation with Ochako-chan echoed in my head.

"Deku-chan, where are you going?"

"I accidentally left my phone in the cafeteria! I'm heading there to grab my phone back!"

"Oh, okay! Make sure to hurry up!"

As soon as I reached the large park, I saw this figure of a man I recognized. "Mirio!" I uttered his name in happiness.

I quickened my pace to reach him as soon as possible. Mirio eventually realized my presence. He turned to look at me with a wide smile on his face.

"Izuku- WOAH-"

I didn't waste any time and threw myself at Mirio, locking my arms around his neck. I nuzzled my hair against his face, causing him to slightly giggle.

"Sorry for suddenly calling you... I..." Mirio paused there to return the hug. His face was buried in my curly hair. I inhaled a deep breath, enjoying my precious moment with him.

"I know, Mirio... I miss you too..." I whispered, squeezing my eyes close. We both broke apart and gazed into each other's eyes deeply.

I leaned closer to his face until there was no gaps left between us. Mirio cupped the back of my head ans gently presses his lips on mine. I really missed the warmth of his kiss and the sweet taste of his lips...

Me and Mirio...

Are more than friends.

We are officially a couple.

We have been dating for a few weeks, but no one has found out about us yet.

And we hope no one does.

Because we want to keep this secret from everyone, for some personal reasons.

And I swear... I will protect our secret from leaking out.


A/N - So, who expect their romantic relationship is their secret? Raise your eyebrow. :D

Also, I'm going to say this earlier! There is no love triangle in this story. Only a little angst (just in the beginning) but the rest of the story, is fluff (and a little spice of course *wink wink*) XD



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