01 : How It Began

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Cherry blossom garden,

Third Person's POV

Being in a hidden, isolated spot in the garden had its own perks. No one could see them in the park,alone together kissing lovingly. Mirio never pulled away from Izuku, and kept his lips still on hers.

Izuku sat on his laps, unconsciously straddling her hips against his body. Mirio started to tighten his grip on the back of her top, feeling himself heating up.

'If I continue this, we both will be in big trouble... But I don't want to stop...' Mirio's hand traveled down to his girlfriend's hips, pushing her body pressing against his.

The royal blue-eyed boy eventually pulled away from the green-haired girl. His head moved down to her neck. "Mi-Mirio..?" She called him out in concern. Mirio was acting a bit strange than usual.


Feeling his teeth slowly digging in her smooth skin, Izuku involuntarily let a soft moan escaped her lips. Her slender fingers wandered in the sea of his golden locks while holding back her moans.

"Mi-Mirio, not there... I-I...can't...anymore..." Izuku felt herself growing weak at each second passed. Mirio broke away from her after several minutes. He stared at the works he had done to her neck. Somehow, he was proud to do this to her.

'Seeing her like... Is oddly exciting...' His face flushed at the thoughts striking his mind. "Sorry, Izuku. Are you okay?" He kindly asked his love of life, his warm hand cupping her freckled-cheeks. She nodded her head silently.

"We should go back to our classroom soon... Before everyone suspects something.." Izuku reminded him. Mirio hummed in agreement. She got up from his laps, brushing off the dirt on her skirt. He just watched her from afar, quietly, with face reddening.

Let's have a little flashback on the beginning of their romantic relationship...


A few weeks ago,
Izuku's room,

The Big Three had agreed to stay over at Class 1-A dorm since Eri insisted. They had such a wild pillow fight to the point that everyone fell asleep in the common area.

But Izuku and Mirio were still wide awake. Izuku invited her upperclassman to her room to watch some movies on Netflix. He agreed and they went to her nerdy-looking bedroom.

This was the moment that changed their entire life.

Izuku was restless the whole time and Mirio noticed this. He only thought that she felt uncomfortable since they were alone together, so he decided to call it a night. But she stopped him from leaving.

"U-um, I have something important to tell you, Senpai..." She uttered as she held the hem of his top gently. He stared at her face questionably.

"What is it, Midoriya? You sound very serious." He voiced out his concern. She looked down to the floor in nervousness, her face turning red. Her heart was pounding faster in her chest.

"I have been meaning to tell you this for a long time..." She stated, her eyes fixed on the ground. "You see, everytime I saw you, Senpai... My heart became all stirred up. Like, my heart beat would suddenly racing faster than usual... On the first time I felt this way, I was confused. But, since this event kept repeating everytime we met... I believe it now.."

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