08 : Caught At Last

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Somewhere in the shopping mall,

Third Person's POV

"UGH! Let me go!" Izuku squirmed under Katsuki's firm grip, only for him to tighten his grasp on her wrists. Her wrists began to feel much more hurt, causing her to hiss in pain. "I say shut the hell up!" The ashen blonde-haired male whispered yell at her, trying to hold back his voice to avoid any unwanted attention.

"What do you want from me now?!" Izuku's voice became more stern and harder with irritation. She was currently in the men's restroom, stuck in one of the cubicles with this annoying angry boy who didn't know when to give up.

"I told you, didn't I, you freaking nerd? I hate seeing that stupid happy face of yours. You really annoyed the hell outta me with your damn disgusting smile!" Katsuki pinned Izuku against the cubicle door. A loud bang echoed in the entire restroom.

The other guys who entered the restroom weren't bothered by the strange occurrence. In their heads, perhaps there were immoral, shameless teenagers doing the dirty in the cubicles. So they didn't pay much attention to the noises.

"If you are disgusted by me, then why are you holding me in here? Let he go, Bakugou. Just leave me alone already!" Izuku was completely enraged this time. Whatever was going to happen, then it would happen. She didn't care about her safety anymore.

The greenette was done with living in trauma and nightmare. She knew the day she needed to confront Katsuki would come. And it was occuring in front of her emerald green eyes.

The aspiring heroine would not back down this time.

"Wow, you are being freaking sassy now, huh? Don't even call me with that idiot nickname anymore... I take it as you are finally done with being a pathetic coward like you always are,ever since we were kids. " Katsuki smirked an evil smirk. Izuku's unusually bold response earlier caught him off guard. But with this kind turn of event, he had planned a brilliant plan in his mind.

Break her.

"I'm not being a coward back then, you idiot. If I wanted to, I would have sued you and brought this case to court. Because what you have done to me in the past almost cost my life. But no.... I refused to file a report because of your parents. YOUR PARENTS. If not because of Mitsuki-san and Masaru-kun, you would be crawling in juvenile right now!" Izuku defended herself, determination burning in her fiery gaze.

"I'm not here to hear your pointless rambling, Deku." Katsuki growled under his breath angrily before he all of a sudden slipped one of his hands under Izuku's skirt.

"What— DON'T TOUCH ME, YOU BEAST!" Not planning to hold back her voice, Izuku screamed from the top of her lungs. She shoved him away, adding a little strength in the force with One For All.

"Make me, you cheap woman! I told you, I won't let you be happy with other bastard!" The explosive boy mocked sarcastically at his victim. He ripped off half of her skirt, revealing her thighs.

"Your so-called boyfriend will surely dump you when he knows you are just a useless dirty rag, Deku." Katsuki whispered aggressively into her ear. Izuku was struggling to free herself from his firm hold.

Certainly, Izuku didn't want to cause any ruckus in public place. But if she didn't resort to action soon, this crazy creeper before her would try to take her innocence again, like he did in the past....

Note : Katsuki never took Izuku's innocence. But he did try to do that once. Luckily, she managed to flee from him.

"Stop...touching me!!!"

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