07 : Reassurance

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Mirio's room,

Third Person's POV

"H-huh? Bakugou really did that to you... In the past?" Tamaki asked in disbelief, sympethizing the green-headed girl. Izuku, who was on the verge of shedding tears, nodded her head weakly.

"Oh, so that is why you kept your relationship with Togata a secret from everyone?" Nejire tilted her head as she stroked Izuku's curly hair, wanting to comfort the younger girl.

Izuku couldn't contain her emotions anymore. She began crying, tears flowing down her cheeks. Her palms clamped her freckled-face to hide the crystal liquid. Nejire and Tamaki looked at each other silently, before shifting their gazes to Mirio.

They could tell that the goldenette was trying his hardest to hold back his anger. Mirio still remembered the day Izuku revealed her dark past with Katsuki. He got immensely mad. Never in his life he felt that much anger building up in him.

"I'm scared... I-if I make an official announcement about this, Kacchan will try to find a way to separate us. I'm worried that he will try to hurt Mirio... I'm sorry, Senpai. I-I never meant to hide it from you two, Hado-senpai, Amajiki-senpai. I'm so sorry if this upset you. Please don't blame Mirio..." Izuku apologized tearfully, her sobs erupted through Mirio's room.

Nejire pulled the younger girl into a tight, loving hug. Her hands patted her small back as her face was buried in the crook of her neck. Her eyes shut close. The bluenette was emitting such a warm, comforting aura to reassure her junior.

"It's okay, it's okay. We don't mind. We understand now, right, Amajiki?" The Surge user looked at her friend's direction. Tamaki nodded his head, agreeing with Nejire. "You don't need to feel bad about it. I mean, if I'm in your situation, I probably do the same thing... " He comforted, also ruffling her curly locks.

Note : Big Three really love and treasure Izuku because she is such a cinnamon roll. Frequently, Tamaki will ruffle her hair because of how soft it is while Nejire will usually hug her.

Tamaki suddenly scooted closer to Mirio. He then whispered into his ear in a low voice, not wanting Izuku to hear them, "You should take her out to somewhere to ease her mind. She seems unusually anxious right now..."

Mirio clenched his jaw in worry. Tamaki was indeed correct. Izuku had panic attack every time she recalled those bad memories of she and Katsuki. It was very bad. Too bad that it affected her mental and physical health.

Katsuki's presence left a great negative impact on her.

Most of the time, if they ever touched the subject relating to Katsuki, Izuku would burst into tears. Who is not traumatized for the rest of their live, when they were cheated multiple times by their lover, got abused physically, emotionally and sexually, and then got beaten up to pulps to then point they almost lost their lives for saying the truth?

But Izuku was actually fortunate that she had her friends, teachers and her beloved mentor giving her emotional supports, although they didn't know her dark past. Their great presences brightened up her once bland, grey world. And now... She has a new lover by her side, going through thick and thin together. She was gradually getting over her dark past.

Nonetheless, that didn't mean Izuku was completely healed. There was still lingering trauma in her. And Mirio swore, he would help her overcome her trauma, so she could live a peaceful normal life.

Mirio stared at his best friend and nodded his head. "Yeah... I will do so. I was planning to take her to our first date by the way. This is a perfect timing." The goldenette smiled widely with confidence in his voice. Tamaki returned the smile, supporting his best friend with all his heart.

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